Rhe reading Host Club (2) in the bus on the way to UNIMAS...
Another field trip...
We had a field trip to UNIMAS today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but it was seriously dry and blazing hot over at the campus. Not only that, it was seriously a bore to just tour around the library. Before that, we had some talk about the courses and faculties offered at UNIMAS. As usual, I did not pay attention, I was busy reading one of Liza's Archie comics. Rhe was too engorged in reading her newest and latest Host Club (2) comic book that Esther helped her purchase from Kinokunya in Kuala Lumpur. She read it all the way starting from assembly this morning until our return bus trip from UNIMAS to St. Teresa. And observe the way she reads! She opens the book barely wider than two fingers!!! Speaking of this morning's assembly and comic books, there was this really irritating prefect who came up to Rhe and I. Here's what that happened...
The most cocky prefect ever...
I was reading an Archie comic book, happened to look upwards and saw this blurr of brown. Deciding to regard it as nothing, I looked back down and carried on reading. Then this brown blurr turned out to be a prefect named 'Jean' squatted down next to me. Bearing this really arrogant and know-it-all look on her face, she gave me this really cocky quirk and drawled, "I stand here, you still dare to read ah?".
I looked up at her, faked an all-innocent school girl's look and piped up, "what?".
She gave me that look of hers again and lazily drawled once more, "you are not scared that I will 'rampas' is it? You want to keep the book or you want me to 'rampas' it?".
I mentally rolled my eyes, thinking that she was one extra-ordinarily nosy and cocky prefect and retaliated, "actually, I would prefer it if Esther kept it." Well, for you readers' information, the book happened to belong to Elizabeth but it was in Esther's possessions for the moment as she borrowed it. If it was my own book, I would have risked the chance of it getting confisticated by retaliating against 'Jean' rather than being spoken to with that arrogant tone of hers'.
Esther, who was sitting behind me, gave a loud laugh.
She gave me another of her looks without saying anything and moved on the Rhema, whom, at the moment, happened to be reading Host Club (2). She pasted on a really sarcastic smile and once again, drawled lazily, going "and Rhema, would you like me to 'rampas' that too?".
Rhema, with a very irritated look, went "oh, no thanks" and shut her comic book.
Annabelle, whom happened to be in the next class line, jokingly said in Hokkien dialect, "mien ah neh strict eh la!". (Don't have to be so strict.) Michelle Loo, whom was behind Anabelle, laughed.
'Jean' gave a short and really sarcastic laugh before shortly saying, "they are students too."
Then, 'Jean' left Rhema, Esther and I , and scurried over to some 3A2 students. There, she started her nosiness once more. Basically, she was the only prefect who was shifting around from one place to another during assembly time. If we were to follow the rules, prefects weren't allowed to shift from one place to another during assembly time. Though, they are allowed to tell off the students around them only. Not like this prefect! Shifting from east to west and north to south! As for 'Jean', it was like she thinks she's the Head Prefect or something. Even the Head Prefect did not shift all around all four corners! Hey, if you were a prefect and you can speak decently, politely and nicely, who wouldn't mind to nicely shut their comic books without uttering a single word! It's no surprise why majority of the students have this strong dislike for certain prefects. Even more unsurprising that some prefects can get boo-ed when they set a foot on stage.
We had a field trip to UNIMAS today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but it was seriously dry and blazing hot over at the campus. Not only that, it was seriously a bore to just tour around the library. Before that, we had some talk about the courses and faculties offered at UNIMAS. As usual, I did not pay attention, I was busy reading one of Liza's Archie comics. Rhe was too engorged in reading her newest and latest Host Club (2) comic book that Esther helped her purchase from Kinokunya in Kuala Lumpur. She read it all the way starting from assembly this morning until our return bus trip from UNIMAS to St. Teresa. And observe the way she reads! She opens the book barely wider than two fingers!!! Speaking of this morning's assembly and comic books, there was this really irritating prefect who came up to Rhe and I. Here's what that happened...
The most cocky prefect ever...
I was reading an Archie comic book, happened to look upwards and saw this blurr of brown. Deciding to regard it as nothing, I looked back down and carried on reading. Then this brown blurr turned out to be a prefect named 'Jean' squatted down next to me. Bearing this really arrogant and know-it-all look on her face, she gave me this really cocky quirk and drawled, "I stand here, you still dare to read ah?".
I looked up at her, faked an all-innocent school girl's look and piped up, "what?".
She gave me that look of hers again and lazily drawled once more, "you are not scared that I will 'rampas' is it? You want to keep the book or you want me to 'rampas' it?".
I mentally rolled my eyes, thinking that she was one extra-ordinarily nosy and cocky prefect and retaliated, "actually, I would prefer it if Esther kept it." Well, for you readers' information, the book happened to belong to Elizabeth but it was in Esther's possessions for the moment as she borrowed it. If it was my own book, I would have risked the chance of it getting confisticated by retaliating against 'Jean' rather than being spoken to with that arrogant tone of hers'.
Esther, who was sitting behind me, gave a loud laugh.
She gave me another of her looks without saying anything and moved on the Rhema, whom, at the moment, happened to be reading Host Club (2). She pasted on a really sarcastic smile and once again, drawled lazily, going "and Rhema, would you like me to 'rampas' that too?".
Rhema, with a very irritated look, went "oh, no thanks" and shut her comic book.
Annabelle, whom happened to be in the next class line, jokingly said in Hokkien dialect, "mien ah neh strict eh la!". (Don't have to be so strict.) Michelle Loo, whom was behind Anabelle, laughed.
'Jean' gave a short and really sarcastic laugh before shortly saying, "they are students too."
Then, 'Jean' left Rhema, Esther and I , and scurried over to some 3A2 students. There, she started her nosiness once more. Basically, she was the only prefect who was shifting around from one place to another during assembly time. If we were to follow the rules, prefects weren't allowed to shift from one place to another during assembly time. Though, they are allowed to tell off the students around them only. Not like this prefect! Shifting from east to west and north to south! As for 'Jean', it was like she thinks she's the Head Prefect or something. Even the Head Prefect did not shift all around all four corners! Hey, if you were a prefect and you can speak decently, politely and nicely, who wouldn't mind to nicely shut their comic books without uttering a single word! It's no surprise why majority of the students have this strong dislike for certain prefects. Even more unsurprising that some prefects can get boo-ed when they set a foot on stage.
A snapshot of this year's Looking Glass cover...
A very strange occurance in The Looking Glass 2006...
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