Thursday, October 26, 2006

My many, many beloved ones...

Wrong side of bed...I must have gotten up from the wrong side of my bed this morning. I got up feeling all stuffed up, watery eyes, stuffed nose and sneezing. All that simply indicates to a sinus attack! I was awfully sleepy last night and I went up to bed at 11.00pm and I slept until 12.00pm this morning. Another 13-hour cycle of sleep, something that normally makes me feel fresh-awake in the morning but today I most certainly don't feel fresh-awake. Maybe 13-hour sleeps are starting to not suit me... I vow to sleep at 11pm tonight and wake up at 9.00am the next day.

Music to the ears...
That's my current beloved violin...

That's my beloved and faithful 5-year-old Yamaha piano...

I spent my afternoon practising my violin and piano. I have a violin exam coming up this December and then another in July 2007. I can feel my heart thumping, my very first violin exam and it's not Grade 1 or anything but it's Grade 3 in December and then Grade 4 in July 2007. That means, if I pass these two exams, by August 2007, I would be a Grade 5 violinist! I must admit that it's all pretty fast-paced for someone like me who had only started violin lessons around a year and a half ago. I have to admit as well, my violin isn't exactly up to Vanessa Mae's standard but I certainly hope I can pull that off one day *laughs*. As for my piano now, I love the classical piece I am currenly preparing for exams in 2007, Sonatina in Eb by J.L Dussek. It's a four-page long piece but nevertheless, it's a calming piece to play. I'm planning on calling my piano tuner to get my piano tuned up. Recently, I just gave my piano a 'facial'. That's why it's gleaming like diamonds now! You ought to take a look at it's brass feet... sparkling.

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