Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lundu 2006!!!

Lundu 21 October 2006!
That's me being the Picasso of Lundu...(doesn't my drawing of 'Mona Lisa' look great?)

My dad, Uncle Ah Choon and I followed Uncle Jimmy's car up to Lundu on the 21st of October 2006. We made a pitstop at 3rd Mile for breakfast and at the same time, my dad went to get some fresh meat supplies at the 3rd Mile market. We had breakfast together with Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel and Loren. Sarah couldn't make it because she had her exams on Monday. At the coffee shop, there was this crazy old man who plays the music on the jukebox really loud, starts dancing wildly like those 50's hippies with all the wu-ha. I remembered he danced to some song that had the word kung-fu being repeated approximately 20 times. But nevertheless, the kolo mee I was eating had more of my attention rather than that hippy. At Lundu it was just Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Ah Bee, Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel, Loren, my dad and I. Last year, Samuel did not want to come along because he claimed that his brothers and sisters were far too noisy. Originally, Ah Bee's brother and sister were supposed to join us but then Ah Bee's brother had to go out station and Ah Bee's sister had something going on. So it ended up, we did not go fishing because Ah Bee's brother did not go. We left Lundu around 4 something in the evening on the 22nd of October and Uncle Raymond sent my dad and I home. Here's what we did at Lundu along with some pictures of it...
Ah Bee & I burried Loren in the sand...
That's Loren being burried up to his neck...

That took us around maybe 5 minutes? It doesn't take much effort and time to burry a 6-year-old boy. We even shaped the sand around him like a fish after that. A very crippled fish too. Originally, we wanted to do a mermaid but we couldn't get the arms to be of the same size so we gave up on that one.

Ah Bee, Loren & I burried Samuel in the sand...
That's Samuel with the coconut husks...

That *sighs* took us around what, 15 minutes? It takes alot of effort and time to burry a 170cm boy in the sand and not only that, it took many many kilogrammes of sand too! It was seriously energy consuming. Uncle Ah Gu took the courtesy of putting two coconut husks on Samuel's chest as part of the joke.

Lundu's Sahara Dessert...
That's the 'Sahara Desert' of Lundu in the morning...

My dad took Samuel, Ah Bee, Loren and I out to the beach at around 11pm at night and wow, it looked like a Sahara Dessert to be honest. Because of the low tide, the water was so low that most of the areas were clear of water except for the shallow flow of the stream. My dad caught quite alot of shrimps using his hand. Samuel caught a or two or three, I guess. My dad catches with his entire hands where as we...haha, two-fingered style. That was one thing that I noticed. You could see all the shrimps' eyes glittering under the light from the torchlights we were carrying. We caught one fish too. It was fun. The shrimps were later eaten and well, by non either than Samuel of course together with his cup of instant noodles. I believe it was Tom Yam flavored instant noodles. The fish was not eaten of course. Samuel came across a clam shell and here's a picture of it in the morning...

This is Samuel's so call large ain't that big right!

Itchy fingers and many, many messages...
That's Samuel's phone...

Loren gave us Samuel's phone and Ah Bee and I went to look at his messages. Then later he found out because Loren went to tell him and according to Loren, Samuel was going to kill us. But of course, he wouldn't. He hijacked my mp3 anyway and somehow turned the sports timer on for almost 10 full minutes. Loren hijacked my mp3 as well.

That's my mp3 being hijacked by Samuel...

That's nobody else but me!

My dad taught me how to use a riffle and with real bullets of course! Meaning, hold, aim and pull the trigger. My dad taught me by asking me to shoot those small mangoes on the mango tree. It was pretty cool, I managed to hit two mangoes accurately on my first two tries. I made holes through the centre of them. Hehehe. Who knew that shooting could be this much fun! But of course, serious training for a shooting team would be really tough as riffles or any other guns arent exactly as light as feathers. This morning, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Ah Gu, Samuel and Loren went squirel hunting but came back with nothing as I think, the one doing the shooting was Samuel... Here are pictures of Samuel and Ah Bee shooting and oh, a picture of Loren posing with the riffle.

That's Ah Bee in action...

That's Samuel in action...

That's Loren posing as a hunter who just came back...with a coconut...

That's the mango tree...observe the mangoes carefully...

A little mischief at Lundu...
That's evidence of Ah Bee trickling water...

Uncle Ah Gu, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Aunty Bernadette and my dad were downstairs and barbecuing corn and pork. Then Ah Bee and I were very bored. Then, Ah Bee too the initiative of trying to trickle water down from the balcony floor and onto the spot where they were all at barbecuing. And Ah Bee hit bullseye when...hahaha, the water she was trickling, trickled directly onto her father's head (Uncle Raymond).

Fairly odd and disturbed people...
There was this group of bumiputeras at Lundu who were extremely lecherous and annoying. The girls wore light-coloured tops with black bras underneath. Well, clearly as you know, when you get wet, basically, it's like you are wearing a transparent top. As for the guys, they were extremely freaky I tell you. They kept following Ah Bee and I around. At first we ignored that but later, we started to notice they kept purposely throwing their beach ball over and moving closer and closer to us. They did that yesterday and today as well. As for today, they were complete idiots. Ah Bee, Loren and I went with Aunty Bernadette to collect shells during the low tide and Ah Bee and I found a large jellyfish and it was dead. Any plain human being with a fair share of common sense would know well not to touch a jellyfish as it has stinging tentacles but oh no, those bumiputeras went to stroke it and pet it as if it was a dog or something. Then, one of them dumped his shirt and car keys on my Body Glove slipper. How dare he! When I reached there, I grabbed the shirt and car keys and flung them away onto the sand. I didn't even bother to look at where I was throwing them. Ah Bee and I were so irritated by them.

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