Ian sabotaged my shooting today!!! I was shooting next to Ian just now and I shot a 10 and then I put my riffle down. Then, Ian told me to check my target. I was like, "what for? I just checked it." Then he said, "check again." And I told him that I didn't shoot anything but he kept insisting, so I checked my target. And eeeeeeeeeeee! Got three shots that I never made and they were all zeros! And guess who did that, Ian Ong of course!!! He could at least help me by shooting 10s if he wanted to sabotage... Anyway, I think I shot better this week compared to last week.
I waited at the 3rd Mile bus stop for the van to pick me to the shooting range. My dad dropped me off there at around 1.30pm. That time, it was raining cats and dogs, literally. Later, there was this van that stopped infront of me. There was a native man and woman inside. The woman screened down the window and both of them asked me where was I going. I just replied them with no where in Bahasa Malaysia. Creepy! I thought they were seriously strange. What for they had to stop and ask me where was I going! Weird! Creepy! Freakish! I killed time there by smsing Jason. Then later, Choulyew came and then followed by Leon and his little brother.
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