Here I am again! Well, this time there's nothing much to blog about since it's the start of our year-end holidays. I've been raking my head for any interesting events that happened in my life today. I shall skip the part about me waking up at 11.00am due to a wrong-number phone call and the part about me missing out breakfast and going straight for lunch. Okay, this seems like a pretty busy holiday this year. As most people would say, I looked for trouble myself. I've got sports trainings every Monday and Wednesday and coach said perhaps she might want me to come in on Fridays and Saturdays too. Where as on Fridays and Saturdays, I have my music lessons. Okay, I am such a busy, busy girl living in the fast lane! But I find the trainings rather likable and enjoyable so going for trainings don't bother me at all. Not to forget the fact that you get to keep fit! *winks*
17.72 GPA! Oops...I meant 17.72 BMI!

Brilliant! I am officially underweight. Now that's just literally impossible considering the amount of food I eat per day. If you asked anyone, they would know that I am constantly stuffing my face with food, food, food and glorious food! One of those people would be Rhema, she knows the amount of nuggets I could feast on and Jason, he's always commenting why am I always eating as I'm always eating in front of the computer. And what happened to the weight of my muscles *coughs!* as don't muscles weigh more than fats? *coughs!* Well, that probably ought to count for me as I was once involved in taekwondo for two long years of intensive trainings that could give muscle pains. Not to forget the fact that I swim regularly for 3 times per week this year and that I have recently started sports training! Yes, despite all those trainings I don't appear to look like Amelie Mauresmo or Tarzan and thank goodness for that. Anyway, it is a fact that muscles weigh more than fats. My height is 168cm or 5 feet 6 and I weigh 50kg and my BMI is 17.72. Officially and medically underweight by 4kg. And nooo... that doesn't mean I am aneroxic or bullimic or that I have 8-packs of ribs jutting out of my sides until I look like one of those super-scrawny models. I'm in a state of denial and I'm blaming that the calculator has a problem counting my BMI! Yeah, I know that's pure crap but well... Gabrielle does crap alot doesn't she? Hahaha! Food, food, food and glorious food is probably one of the top 10 things in my life and I think I live to eat...hahaha, maybe people ought to start calling me Gabby Piggy or something. Okay, I think that's all for today. Tataz!
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