'Doctor' Gabrielle Jee...
What a terrific birthday present Teh receieved today! An injured knee. According to Jason, he attempted to demo some sort of foul to Danny and in the process, he fell from mid-air and landed on his knee. Then, in when I was in Memories Cafe, I got this sms from Jason. He told me he had something funny to tell me and like he said before, Teh would be the last to make us laugh and he was right. Then, when I got back from Memories Cafe, I got an sms from Teh. It read...
"I need your help! URGENT! What do you do to an injured knee? I fell from mid-air!"
When I read that sms, I was thinking. Oh my gosh, what happened to Teh? Fell off the staircase? Fractured knee-cap? So I picked my phone and dialed for Teh. And guess what. The conversation went something like this...
Gab: Hello? Teh ha? What happened to your knee??
Teh: Fell from mid-air. What do you do to an injured knee??
Gab: See a doctor!!!
Teh: uhh...
Gab: Can walk? Can move? Can stretch your leg? Can bend?
Teh: Can walk, can move, can stretch, can bend.
Gab: So nothing wrong with your leg la!
Teh: But it's painful.
Gab: Of course la! You fell down right!
Teh: Ya...
Gab: Go put ice. Wrap it. Tomorrow sure fine.
Hahaha! My First Aid skills must have really outshined during the time I tended the girl with the sprained leg at the bowling alley!!!
Teh: Fell from mid-air. What do you do to an injured knee??
Gab: See a doctor!!!
Teh: uhh...
Gab: Can walk? Can move? Can stretch your leg? Can bend?
Teh: Can walk, can move, can stretch, can bend.
Gab: So nothing wrong with your leg la!
Teh: But it's painful.
Gab: Of course la! You fell down right!
Teh: Ya...
Gab: Go put ice. Wrap it. Tomorrow sure fine.
Hahaha! My First Aid skills must have really outshined during the time I tended the girl with the sprained leg at the bowling alley!!!
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