Thou shall never smoke...
Originally, I set my handphone alarm to ring at 8.00AM to wake me up. But, at 8.00AM when it rang, I decided to set it to ring at 9.00AM. As 9.00AM approached, I turned off the alarm and proceeded back to continue my sleep. Unfortunately, my sleep was disrupted by two SMSes from my human alarm clock around 9 something. I got up, unplugged the charger, read the SMSes and then went back to bed again. Then, as time inclined towards 10AM, I received a third SMS from my human alarm clock. This time, I groggily glanced through but as I was instantly fully awake after I read this sentence...
"... I nearly choked to death when I tried to smoke today..."My first thought was,
"crazy! What the heck are you thinking?? Trying to smoke??" After several more SMSes, I discovered that I was punk'd... again by this jobless prankster in Lundu and dead early in the morning. What happened to the innocent world whereby nobody punks anybody?? Since I've touched the topic on smoking, I really wonder what is it that some people see in smoking. Is it the feeling they get from smoking or is it just smoking for style? I mean, why would anyone want to function exactly like a chimney or exhaust? Smoke goes pass through the pathway and then coming out. What's so cool about holding a stick of cigarette between your fingers?? I just don't catch the whole obsession deal over smoking... You know what, if you currently smoke,
STOP and if you don't smoke,
DON' TRY it.
Pretty 8 feet-high fountains at BDC...
I was in the car together with my parents around 11+ PM when we drove pass the road leaving BDC and heading towards the Shell Station opposite Kempas, when my dad told us to look at the new fountain by the roadside. As I was in the process of SMSing, I looked around blurrly and asked where and what fountain. Then, I spotted it. An
eight-feet high jet of water splurting from the ground at utmost velocity. Apparently, they decided to build a beautiful fountain by the roadside to bedazzle tourists and passerbys that BDC area is extremely beautiful. And this is an eight-feet high fountain too. Simply remarkable...NOT! Apparently and in short, I shall just tell you that they were doing construction for the new flyover and they accidentally broke a pipe when they were drilling. Thus, resulting in an eight-feet high fountain shooting into the sky. Now, they are busy trying to shut the main flow of water and I really pity those staying near the water leakage, they'll be suffering the next morning when they wake up to brush their teeth and realize there isn't even a single drop of water dripping from the tap. Poor inhabitants...
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