I went to play pool with Choulyew, Danny, Jason, Ian and Teh today at the Everise bowling alley. Then, that time when Jason and Danny were playing pool, there was this two little kids crawling underneath the table. They were brothers and sisters around the age of 5 to 7 like that. So, the brother shoved the sister and she fell down.
She sprained her leg and she started crying. At first we thought it was just a small fall, we didn't know she sprained her leg. After several minutes, she was still there, so we realized something was not right. Danny was saying among us,
"St. John members! Where are you?" Then, they pointed at me and said,
"Red Crescent member! Go!!!". So Choulyew and I tended the girl as I was a Red Crescent member and Choulyew was a former Red Crescent member. Teh assisted by pulling her sock off. Jason assisted by getting her a chair so Choulyew and I could get her onto the chair. Danny offered a
hand, as in literally a hand and everyone slapped it away. She appeared to be in pain. I mean, it was a sprained leg, of course it would be painful. She was crying nonstop. Then, I asked her where were her parents and she said they were in a cafe somewhere. She had a handphone with her, so she dialed for her father. Several minutes later, her father shows up. Guess what he did!
He grabbed her sprained leg and started stretching and twisting it really hard! He clearly wasn't trained medically, so, how can he do that??? Everyone knows if you stretch and twist a sprained leg, it could results it tearing the blood vessels. Just put some ice on it first, then bandage it up with lots of padding so that it is firm. And that's all!
You can't stretch and twist a sprain leg unless you intend on tearing the ligaments, that's fine with me!!! The next, day the leg would swell and there's even a chance of the incapability to walk next time!!!
You know what,
some Malaysians can be highly unethical! After helping his daughter, he never even thanked us! Even if you didn't mean it sincerely, at least have the courtesy of saying thank you! He completely ignored us and acted as if it was our fault his daughter has a sprained leg. Hey, we could have ignored your daughter and left her there. A child at with the mentality of a 7 year old wouldn't know what to do at this situation. He or she would need to be tended to. We could have left the girl there and the father would never know what happened to her and her wherabouts. Not to mention the fact, what sort of father leaves his 5-7 year old daughter and son alone in a bowling alley??? They could have been kidnapped as there are many sorts of people there. Toms, Dicks and Harrys!!! Not to forget the fact about all the other people present when the girl sprained her leg. There were so many people playing pool at the other table. They were clearly older than us 15 and 16 year-olds but oh no, they clearly have the mentality that,
"oh, girl with sprained leg there! I'm not a doctor, so, nevermind lah! Some doctor will walk pass and help her. Nevermind wan lah!" Well, kindly consider the situation if you sprained your leg and you were crying and everyone just walks pass you without even glancing at you. How would you feel??? Why is it so hard for some people just to lend a helping hand? They just have this mentality that it is none of their business!!!
Some Malaysians just got to learn to be ethical!!!!
Jason is a 'great' pool player and bowler...
I had such a great laugh. Jason is such a great pool player and bowler. He rocks. Oops, I meant...LOUSY!!! And he so does NOT rock!!! Even I can play pool better than him, yet I rarely play. He actually pocketed the cue ball four times. He even sent the cue ball flying off the pool table and hitting the glass window! Then it shattered...okay, I'm just exagerating, the glass window never shattered. Danny sent the cue ball flying off the table once too but it did not hit the glass window. When he bowled, he just went up to the alley, dumped the ball down with a THUD and sent it rolling, then it goes into the gutter! I tell you, it was hilarious! Choulyew and I kept laughing. Choulyew and I were saying,
"I think we play better than him!" Then, there was once just now, when Jason bowled and his bowling ball flew backwards! HHAHAHAHA!!! If anyone needed a great entertainer and a good laugh,
just hire Jason Chen at 012-3456789 and put him in a bowling alley that has pool tables. Basically, it was not humiliating but it was hilarious!!! Anyway, at the next alley, there was this man in yellow who was super cocky. Everytime he striked, he would act like he just won some big bowling champsionship. If he doesn't bowl strikes, he would act as if it was the pins' faults.
Argh... I am so full! Stuffed with Korean food and Lok-Lok. Ian's parents brought Ian, Choulyew and I to the food court at Tun Jugah after playing pool and bowling. I ate so much. I'm sooooo full!!! I bet I gained several pounds!!! Ian's mum bought this strange marshmallows from Everise that looked like ice creams in cones. Interesting... Then, we went to look at handphones. Ian is currently obsessed with this white Sony Ericson Walkman phone that has the gold plated logo. To me, it's hideous. It looks like a minature cooler.