0530 - Bloody alarm rings, wakes up grumbling
0600 - All set to go to school, sends a short text message
0610 - Resumes sleeping in car
0635 - Arrive in class, do one or two Additional Maths questions to stimulate brain
0650 - Prefects' duty starts. Grudgingly gets out of seat
0720 - Class starts
1315 - School ends. So happy to finally get to go home
1400 - Grabs a sandwich or two and swallow that down, taking it as lunch
1415 - Do some homework and revision
1600 - Snooze time
1700 - Bugger sends text message, disrupts my beauty sleep, wakes up, curses
1800 - Heads to Physics tuition
2100 - Physics tuition ends. Cheers
2130 - Grabs some late night dinner to pamper poor growling stomach
2200 - Reads a book or anything that can be read
0030 - Meditates
0000 - Beauty sleep moments
Tuesday is an exact repetition of Monday except with BM tuition instead.
0530 - Mum wakes me up, wakes up complaining why does school start so early
0600 - Stumbles down the staircase, feeling almost ready to go to school
0610 - Goes back to sleep in the car
0630 - Prefects' assembly duty starts, grumbles about early birds
0711 - Sings Sons of St. Joseph to Cheryl 'Tan'
0830 - Class starts, couldn't be any "happier"
1240 - School ends. Woohoo!
1315 - Reach home, grabs a sandwich or two since it is the only food available at home
1400 - Does some homework and revision
1800 - Goes for a 2km walk, 1km jog and 200m sprint here and there around the housing area
1900 - Comes home, showers, takes dinner
1930 - Procrastinates from whatever supposed to do
2030 - Grabs a reading material and buries nose in it
2300 - Dates the television, sends text messages
0000 - Meditates
0030 - Snoozes
Thursdays are pretty similar to Wednesdays.
0530 - Mum yells to wake up, gets up and grumbles
0600 - Falls asleep at foot of the staircase
0610 - Sleepwalks to the car and continues sleeping
0650 - Prefects' duties start, wooohooo
0720 - Class starts, "terrific"!
1155 - School ends. Couldn't be any more euphoric
1200 - Stays back for Literary and Debating Society meetings
1230 - Meeting ends
1235 - Chows down a sandwich or two
1250 - Does some homework and revision
1345 - Linda arrives for carpool to Chemistry tuition
1400 - First person to arrive at Chemistry tuition along with Linda
1500 - Chemistry tuition starts. Finally!
1700 - Chemistry tuition ends. Finally!
1730 - Swallows some dinner. Finally the tank is full
1800 - Television moments
1900 - Additional Mathematics tuition starts
1930 - Franklin arrives at tuition, chaos starts
2130 - Tuition ends. Cheers happily that the week is 'over'
2200 - Sends text messages to bug the bugger (Astra sucks these days)
2330 - Bugger goes to sleep, turns to reading material for company instead
0015 - Meditates
0030 - Falls asleep
0900 - Rise and shine, complains about lack of sleep
0930 - Makes a bowl of oats for breakfast
1000 - Heads for Red Crescent activities
1200 - Comes home, showers, eats lunch
1230 - Hogs television, enjoying every moment of it
1400 - Lazily crawls away from television to do some studying
1700 - Walks around the house pointlessly
1800 - Gears into mode for 2km walk, 1km jog and 200m sprint
1900 - Comes home, showers, eats dinner
1930 - Tags along with parents to a shopping mall
2130 - Goes for supper at some random food court. I like laksa
2200 - Reads a book, sends text messages
0015 - Meditates
0030 - Snoozes
Sundays are similar to Saturdays minus the Red Crescent activities
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