"I think you best take a day off school tomorrow and go to the doctor."

I read about nutrition and it was stated clearly in that paragraph that inconsistent shitting can lead to build up of toxic substances in the bowel which, would lead to bowel cancer. Oh dear, sounds like I should do something about my irregular shitting schedules?
I once told a friend, "I don't remember when was the last time I shit."
I take oats for breakfast, plenty of fruits, vegetables and water daily. Yet, it doesn't seem to make a difference. Two days ago, my dad bought plenty of Wrigley's Extra sugar-free chewing gum. After fifteen sticks of chewing gum, I remembered Perry's diarrhoae encounter with Wrigley's Extra chewing gum during one of the Physics classes after three sticks of chewing gum. Appalled, I grabbed a chewing gum wrapper and read the back of it,
"Excessive intake can lead to laxative effects."
So I waited and I waited but I never paid the toilet any visits. Constipated? Then I came to the conclusion that,
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