Today was the First General Meeting of the year for our Red Crescent Youth Unit #8. Here they are, the committee members of the Red Crescent Youth Unit #8 sorting out registration details of the new members. Tons of work.

Another group of committee members working at sorting out the registration details of the members. Everybody seems to be so busy doing work. But then, there was one lazy bum among the crowd... also known as
Gabrielle Jee, who decided to start meditating simply because she thought it looked great.

Nevertheless, she repented from her severe procrastination and did her work later that day. Just look at how hardworking she is. Here I am now, talking about myself in the third person's point of view...

I went for the Health Club meeting this morning at 8.00am. I can't believe I have agreed to get involved in such a club that does weird activities such as poco-poco and aerobics. I went for a Literary & Debating Society meeting and Photography Club meeting later. Here's the one and only shot I took while I was in the Photography Club meeting simply because Irene wanted her hands to be photographed. They're going to teach us how to function a digital camera some time soon. I think I am way to advanced for that. Coughs.
I am going to start bringing a camera around with me instead of relying on a camera phone starting from today.
My dad went to The Spring at night to collect this trousers. So, I tagged along with my mum. I had dinner at Kluang Station. I wanted to try the Kluang laksa but they were out of everything but bread, nasi lemak and chicken chop. So I tried the chicken chop and it didn't taste that nice. It was more than enough to serve a family of five. The nasi lemak tasted fine but I don't quite fancy it anyway. I ran into Azureen Bakrie and Jordan Lim, Jonathan Lai and gang again for goodness knows how many times this week, Irene Pung and family, Cheryl Teo and family, Grace Lulo and gang and countless of my dad's acquaintances. I bought a pair of boardshorts and a T-shirt. They were on sale. Barely cost up to RM100. Yay? Oreef boardshorts are so freaking ugly. They should have Billabong here. I saw Hush Puppies shoes on Best Buy but they call it "Best Barks" instead. That is so amusing to me. I should have a Great Dane named Sir Rufus Van Barkers...
I went to Starbucks. Spent RM47.00 on two cups of coffee, a pie and a bun. Slit throat... Sucks... Hell yes I know I once said that it is stupid spending so much money on coffee but oh well, what the heck anyway, once a while can't kill. Seattle Coffee House is a wee bit cheaper and they got nice quiche there too... Yum.
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