Why is it that in school, we have two categories of clubs? Namely, the "dead" category and the "supported by a whooping number of students" category.
Well, put the blame on the specific advisers in-charged. This is freedom of speech without any hostility and provocation. So, I have my legal rights. Hate me, fry me, bake me.
I am a committee member in one of the clubs that I joined in school. It had been a rather sombre club for the past few years. But being a member in that club (let's just call it Club X) for four years, I was aware that the advisers had put in an effort to recruit new members. That is good, what a sombre club needs is a sporting adviser and a working committee and poof, it will resurface.
Unfortunately this year, Club X had gotten itself an adviser who complains way too much, has not offered a single brainchild and has not even bothered to recruit new members the way the previous advisers did. Yet, the blame seems to always be shifted onto the committee members as being not good enough.
I believe that club advisers should not just shove all the work to the committee members. As a club adviser, he or she ought to be the one to supply a fresh batch of ideas to the committee, be willing to attend ALL meetings, supportive of projected ideas and make an attempt to promote the club. Talk about showing advisers supposed to set a good example!
Am I the only one who thinks this way about my adviser? I doubt that. I have heard plenty of complains about specific club advisers.
Why am I typing this? It is because I feel that Club X needs its' adviser changed.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bowels of Steel
Two days ago, I went to the studio to get my class profile picture taken (I have a gut feeling that my profile picture will end up looking hideous) and then I was struck with dust allergies. Sniffling and watery-eyed, I had the willpower to attend Physics tuition that night. Several hours later, I boiled a fever, a sore throat and a flu. That was when my mother said to me those words that anyone would long to hear,
"I think you best take a day off school tomorrow and go to the doctor."
Yes, I am sick but no one said anything about it being illegal to blog when you are sick. There was this really ridiculous question circulating in class for a couple of days ago, "how often do you shit?" I must say that I was fairly amused when I discovered that people either shit daily or they shit twice in a week. I discovered that I fall in the later category.
I read about nutrition and it was stated clearly in that paragraph that inconsistent shitting can lead to build up of toxic substances in the bowel which, would lead to bowel cancer. Oh dear, sounds like I should do something about my irregular shitting schedules?
I once told a friend, "I don't remember when was the last time I shit."
I take oats for breakfast, plenty of fruits, vegetables and water daily. Yet, it doesn't seem to make a difference. Two days ago, my dad bought plenty of Wrigley's Extra sugar-free chewing gum. After fifteen sticks of chewing gum, I remembered Perry's diarrhoae encounter with Wrigley's Extra chewing gum during one of the Physics classes after three sticks of chewing gum. Appalled, I grabbed a chewing gum wrapper and read the back of it,
"Excessive intake can lead to laxative effects."
So I waited and I waited but I never paid the toilet any visits. Constipated? Then I came to the conclusion that,
"I think you best take a day off school tomorrow and go to the doctor."

I read about nutrition and it was stated clearly in that paragraph that inconsistent shitting can lead to build up of toxic substances in the bowel which, would lead to bowel cancer. Oh dear, sounds like I should do something about my irregular shitting schedules?
I once told a friend, "I don't remember when was the last time I shit."
I take oats for breakfast, plenty of fruits, vegetables and water daily. Yet, it doesn't seem to make a difference. Two days ago, my dad bought plenty of Wrigley's Extra sugar-free chewing gum. After fifteen sticks of chewing gum, I remembered Perry's diarrhoae encounter with Wrigley's Extra chewing gum during one of the Physics classes after three sticks of chewing gum. Appalled, I grabbed a chewing gum wrapper and read the back of it,
"Excessive intake can lead to laxative effects."
So I waited and I waited but I never paid the toilet any visits. Constipated? Then I came to the conclusion that,
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Chong Siew Ai

Mind you, there was no electricity after that for the whole day.

Friday, January 25, 2008

In school - leaflets on Leo Club and Interact Club Valentine's Day sales are plastered all over every single notice board available in school. RM7.00 for one stalk of rose, pricey. How come nobody gives cactus for Valentine's Day huh? I think it would be very interesting.
In tuition - Lilian preaches about love and it is too young to find love at the age of twenty one and below. Jonas and Franklin disagrees about it. I stand neutral by saying if you find someone remarkably decent before twenty-one, then that is simply good luck for you. Woohoo. But if you find some disgusting fellow, then I think it is worth it to jump off the Great Wall of China.
In Reader's Digest - They had one article about how this man found his true love. A remarkably stereotyped love affair. All the drama and tears. It was supposed to be a heart moving story but somehow, I did not feel my heart move to the right side of my chest at all.
I must say that Valentine's Day is the best day in school. You may wonder why. Well, it is simple. Really. During Valentine's Day, the students are either simply euphoric over gifts (crazily expensive gifts) that their boyfriends or admirers sent or simply too upset that they did not receive any gifts. This causes the teachers to get all frustrated and fed up at the "love in the air" atmosphere that they simply just give up teaching and let us do our own work. I love Valentine's Day not for the purpose of it but for the chain reaction that it causes to my teachers.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The 700m tangerine eater

I ran 700 meters in lazy mode today in determination to NOT go to sleep.
I am so proud of myself.

0530 - Bloody alarm rings, wakes up grumbling
0600 - All set to go to school, sends a short text message
0610 - Resumes sleeping in car
0635 - Arrive in class, do one or two Additional Maths questions to stimulate brain
0650 - Prefects' duty starts. Grudgingly gets out of seat
0720 - Class starts
1315 - School ends. So happy to finally get to go home
1400 - Grabs a sandwich or two and swallow that down, taking it as lunch
1415 - Do some homework and revision
1600 - Snooze time
1700 - Bugger sends text message, disrupts my beauty sleep, wakes up, curses
1800 - Heads to Physics tuition
2100 - Physics tuition ends. Cheers
2130 - Grabs some late night dinner to pamper poor growling stomach
2200 - Reads a book or anything that can be read
0030 - Meditates
0000 - Beauty sleep moments
Tuesday is an exact repetition of Monday except with BM tuition instead.
0530 - Mum wakes me up, wakes up complaining why does school start so early
0600 - Stumbles down the staircase, feeling almost ready to go to school
0610 - Goes back to sleep in the car
0630 - Prefects' assembly duty starts, grumbles about early birds
0711 - Sings Sons of St. Joseph to Cheryl 'Tan'
0830 - Class starts, couldn't be any "happier"
1240 - School ends. Woohoo!
1315 - Reach home, grabs a sandwich or two since it is the only food available at home
1400 - Does some homework and revision
1800 - Goes for a 2km walk, 1km jog and 200m sprint here and there around the housing area
1900 - Comes home, showers, takes dinner
1930 - Procrastinates from whatever supposed to do
2030 - Grabs a reading material and buries nose in it
2300 - Dates the television, sends text messages
0000 - Meditates
0030 - Snoozes
Thursdays are pretty similar to Wednesdays.
0530 - Mum yells to wake up, gets up and grumbles
0600 - Falls asleep at foot of the staircase
0610 - Sleepwalks to the car and continues sleeping
0650 - Prefects' duties start, wooohooo
0720 - Class starts, "terrific"!
1155 - School ends. Couldn't be any more euphoric
1200 - Stays back for Literary and Debating Society meetings
1230 - Meeting ends
1235 - Chows down a sandwich or two
1250 - Does some homework and revision
1345 - Linda arrives for carpool to Chemistry tuition
1400 - First person to arrive at Chemistry tuition along with Linda
1500 - Chemistry tuition starts. Finally!
1700 - Chemistry tuition ends. Finally!
1730 - Swallows some dinner. Finally the tank is full
1800 - Television moments
1900 - Additional Mathematics tuition starts
1930 - Franklin arrives at tuition, chaos starts
2130 - Tuition ends. Cheers happily that the week is 'over'
2200 - Sends text messages to bug the bugger (Astra sucks these days)
2330 - Bugger goes to sleep, turns to reading material for company instead
0015 - Meditates
0030 - Falls asleep
0900 - Rise and shine, complains about lack of sleep
0930 - Makes a bowl of oats for breakfast
1000 - Heads for Red Crescent activities
1200 - Comes home, showers, eats lunch
1230 - Hogs television, enjoying every moment of it
1400 - Lazily crawls away from television to do some studying
1700 - Walks around the house pointlessly
1800 - Gears into mode for 2km walk, 1km jog and 200m sprint
1900 - Comes home, showers, eats dinner
1930 - Tags along with parents to a shopping mall
2130 - Goes for supper at some random food court. I like laksa
2200 - Reads a book, sends text messages
0015 - Meditates
0030 - Snoozes
Sundays are similar to Saturdays minus the Red Crescent activities
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Escapee

St. Teresa's Primary school had sent two little primary six prefects with a rafia string to round up the dog. What a greeeeat plan. The dog got brought back anyway by one of the people from the church.
I got to ruffled her fur up. One heck of a friendly German Shepard and pretty fat too.
We should have more escapees like that in school. Though it sends the Malay students running amok and panicking.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Anger Management

Does anyone know how tedious it is to refinish the piano? How much manual work is taken to remove the old layer of lacquer, sandpaper it down and then beeswaxing, sanding and spraying between coats and finishing it off with gloss lacquer?? Does anyone know that the whole process take up to 8 weeks?? Not to forget either machine or hand polishing? Still think RM5000 for refinishing is remarkably ridiculous? If anyone still does, go refinish a piano till tip top condition and come back and tell me RM5000 is too much. Can you see the image clearly now how a piano would look like if part of its black finishing was chipped off? Have a view of your own of the price list here.
I am going to stay pissed and throw a public temper display until I get my piano refinished. *Slams phone on table* Anyone thinks I need anger management classes yet? I think I do.
River Front/ Lilo Fun

Horrors! My usual hairdresser retired!!! Code red!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Drama Class

Not only that, the teacher normally never teaches her class using the LCD and manilla card cut-outs but suddenly on the day of the observation, all those were used.
What is this? Drama class???
The day before the incident, the teacher had warned her class to keep quiet and act properly tomorrow because the senior assistant would come in to observe how she teaches.
What is the point of a "dated" observation? I hereby demand that impromptu "surprise" observations should be done instead to avoid all these... "acting" classes.
This is a true story that happened to a friend of a friend of mine.
This is my classmate, a die-hard Linkin Park fanatic, a pet-owner and a blogger and so click this.
I dedicate this to Amy the hard core Linkin Park fan...
Amy is so into Linkin Park,
I told her they're so ***k,
So completely true right?
But she replied "Gab you shit!"
Believe me when I say,
They are so freaking lousy,
Singing songs that make people constipate,
All of them I hate and I hate and I hate!
Monday, January 14, 2008
"We do not allow students to keep sideburns in this school," says the male teacher to a female student in an all-girls school in Malaysia.
Females cannot even grow sideburns, what more to say keep them.
This is a true story.
Females cannot even grow sideburns, what more to say keep them.
This is a true story.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Sakai Sees Black Chicken

Ya ya, I yelled that out when I saw the strange-looking black chicken for the very first time in my whole life. Now I am letting the whole cyber world know that I am a "sakai" who has never seen black chicken after seventeen years spent on this planet.
Well, the black chicken is actually a type of chicken that originated from Eastern Asia and looks remarkably fluffy when un-dead. Well, I think I probably got the photo of the wrong species of black chicken that is eaten anyway...

Friday, January 11, 2008
Another Saturday
I ran into Azureen Bakrie and Jordan Lim, Jonathan Lai and gang again for goodness knows how many times this week, Irene Pung and family, Cheryl Teo and family, Grace Lulo and gang and countless of my dad's acquaintances.
I bought a pair of boardshorts and a T-shirt. They were on sale. Barely cost up to RM100. Yay? Oreef boardshorts are so freaking ugly. They should have Billabong here. I saw Hush Puppies shoes on Best Buy but they call it "Best Barks" instead. That is so amusing to me. I should have a Great Dane named Sir Rufus Van Barkers...

Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Spring
I declare The Spring as the ultimate best place to do shopping in Kuching since it has most of my favorite clothing stores and shoes store but still, The Spring isn't impressive at all. It's pretty small and rather boring. I saw a gigantic Patrick the Big Red Dog! My dad wanted to get me that at first but my mum claimed RM204.00 for a stuffed dog was too pricey. The food there isn't very great either, Starbucks, Secret Recipe, Sushi King and all those, uninteresting. I personally think it is stupid to spend RM15.00 on a cup of coffee when the coffee beans only cost a quarter or less of that. I don't like the food at Secret Recipe either especially the cakes (disgustingly horrible that even kolo mee at Carpenter Street beats it) and I'm not a fan of raw food. Wish they would open a Manhattan Fish Market there at The Spring.
What I bought from The Spring:
- A pair of slippers from Nose -RM44.00
- A pair of flats from Nose - RM44.00
- A top from Esprit - RM89.90
- A shirt from Valentino Rudy - RM149.90
- A plate of pasta - RM10.50
- A cup of drink - RM2.00
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Gabrielle Jee
It starts with a capital G,
It ends with an E,
Jee ends with an E,
Gabrielle also ends with an E,
My Chinese name also ends with an E,
I don't know why my name so many E,
If teacher grades this surely I'll get an E.
That was my poem for the so-call "English Poem Recital"
It ends with an E,
Jee ends with an E,
Gabrielle also ends with an E,
My Chinese name also ends with an E,
I don't know why my name so many E,
If teacher grades this surely I'll get an E.
That was my poem for the so-call "English Poem Recital"
Why the Ministry of Education likes to come up with so many new ideas for us students?? Under the instructions from the MOE, our school's Senior Assistant In-Charge of Administration announced during assembly this morning, that it is compulsory for all of us in the uniform bodies to show up in our full uniforms every first Wednesday of the month.
I am in the Red Crescent, can you imagine how hot and uncomfortable it would be in that stark white uniform with the lanyard, belt and all? Not to forget that I am a prefect and that means I will probably be doing my usual rounds either within school grounds or out of school grounds. What if I am doing my rounds somewhere near St. Joseph's and some poor chap gets run over by a car? People will start pointing at my Red Crescent uniform and yell, "RC! RC! ASK HER TO DO CPR!" Then, I give the wrong treatment or fail to save the guy and his family sues me for goodness knows what. Then I go bankrupt after being sued, end up begging on street corners. Choiiiii....
What about the Taekwondo people? Imagine them walking around school with their jackets, trousers, T-shirts and belts. So glad I am not in Taekwondo anymore. If I was, I would be doing rounds to St. Joseph's in a Taekwondo uniform. I could probably scare away a few people along the way.
I am in the Red Crescent, can you imagine how hot and uncomfortable it would be in that stark white uniform with the lanyard, belt and all? Not to forget that I am a prefect and that means I will probably be doing my usual rounds either within school grounds or out of school grounds. What if I am doing my rounds somewhere near St. Joseph's and some poor chap gets run over by a car? People will start pointing at my Red Crescent uniform and yell, "RC! RC! ASK HER TO DO CPR!" Then, I give the wrong treatment or fail to save the guy and his family sues me for goodness knows what. Then I go bankrupt after being sued, end up begging on street corners. Choiiiii....
What about the Taekwondo people? Imagine them walking around school with their jackets, trousers, T-shirts and belts. So glad I am not in Taekwondo anymore. If I was, I would be doing rounds to St. Joseph's in a Taekwondo uniform. I could probably scare away a few people along the way.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Bloody hell...
Who was there first huh???
Hog front seats, damn noisy...
I shall curse and swear as I wish.
Hypocrites are the ones complain that sitting at the back of Chemistry lab cannot hear a thing due to the noise the class makes and yet make a hell load of unnecessary noise when they get to hog a specific few first row seats. You want to sit in front because you cannot hear, then you at least keep your mouth shut when you get to sit in front!!! I am damn unsatisfied and I am portraying my anger now. Damn.
Bloody hell...
Who was there first huh???
Hog front seats, damn noisy...
I shall curse and swear as I wish.

Saturday, January 5, 2008
This is what I do

Friday, January 4, 2008
Monday: Physics
Tuesday: Bahasa Malaysia
Friday: Chemistry and Additional Mathematics
My first class back at Mrs. Hon's Chemistry class this year. Her class starts at 3.00pm but, I arrived there with Linda at 2.00pm!!! One whole hour of doing nothing except staring around the empty room. Then, by 2.45pm, monkeys started filling in the seats. Once Mrs. Hon opened her mouth the speak, I was instantly reminded of Siw Hua's claim that she once stood at the junction of the road to Mrs. Hon's huse and she could hear Mrs. Hon's voice coming from inside the house.
Went to a new Additional Mathematics tuition that night (sadly, Mr. James had to move to Johor Bahru to do his Masters) at Mr. Fabian's house. He has one very, very big television and I discovered Jonas couldn't repeat the word Samantha five times very fast. I was supposed to fetch that Franklin to tuition but, he overslept and never showed up. So, my dad drove away without picking him.
I realize I have always been hogging front row seats in tuitions.
Tuesday: Bahasa Malaysia
Friday: Chemistry and Additional Mathematics
My first class back at Mrs. Hon's Chemistry class this year. Her class starts at 3.00pm but, I arrived there with Linda at 2.00pm!!! One whole hour of doing nothing except staring around the empty room. Then, by 2.45pm, monkeys started filling in the seats. Once Mrs. Hon opened her mouth the speak, I was instantly reminded of Siw Hua's claim that she once stood at the junction of the road to Mrs. Hon's huse and she could hear Mrs. Hon's voice coming from inside the house.
Went to a new Additional Mathematics tuition that night (sadly, Mr. James had to move to Johor Bahru to do his Masters) at Mr. Fabian's house. He has one very, very big television and I discovered Jonas couldn't repeat the word Samantha five times very fast. I was supposed to fetch that Franklin to tuition but, he overslept and never showed up. So, my dad drove away without picking him.
I realize I have always been hogging front row seats in tuitions.
1. When you stop learning, stop listening, stop looking and stop asking questions, then it is time to die.
2. The great pleasure of school life is doing what your teachers say you cannot do!
3. Education is not filling the pail, it is starting a fire.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A Day Out With My Aunt
I followed my aunt's car to registration today at school. I had to lug heavy textbooks from the school hall all the way up two flights of stairs to get to the Koperasi (to my discovery and great disappointment, I realized the built a shortcut to the Koperasi after I got there) to buy exercise books and then lug it all the way back down two flights out staircase and miles to the car park to wait for my aunt. Hence, I suffered from two broken arms after carrying all those books. Oh ya, I got my third row seat!!!
How come India Street seems to look cleaner and nicer in photos rather than in real life?
She took her two daughters and I to India Street after registration. That was my first time in many years 'visiting' India Street, Carpenter Street and Kai Joo Street for other reasons than to buy books from Benzamine Bookstore. And for the first time in more than ten years, I had Carpenter street kolo mee at one of the hawker shop. I think that shop is rather famous for their pork leg rice. The kolo mee is quite nice and a rather big bowl too. I picked all the char sio out though. Seriously, when you eat at Carpenter Street, never start observing the place or you might lose your appetite.
Carpenter Street, probably one of the oldest streets in Kuching.
Delicious kolo mee from Carpenter Street.
My aunt stopped by one of the pet shops somewhere near Sri Sarjana Tuition Center after having kolo mee at Carpenter Street. There were these two large Golden Retrievers half asleep lazily on the floor, one male and one female. Ben and Beauty. Apparently, they get shoved there every morning to be babysat. As usual, I bugged the dogs until they gave up sleeping and turned their attention to bugging me instead. Pawing, sniffing, treading on my toes and sneezing. I want a Great Dane or a Golden Retriever named Rufus...
My crimes of bugging the dogs were caught on the camera.

She took her two daughters and I to India Street after registration. That was my first time in many years 'visiting' India Street, Carpenter Street and Kai Joo Street for other reasons than to buy books from Benzamine Bookstore. And for the first time in more than ten years, I had Carpenter street kolo mee at one of the hawker shop. I think that shop is rather famous for their pork leg rice. The kolo mee is quite nice and a rather big bowl too. I picked all the char sio out though. Seriously, when you eat at Carpenter Street, never start observing the place or you might lose your appetite.
My aunt stopped by one of the pet shops somewhere near Sri Sarjana Tuition Center after having kolo mee at Carpenter Street. There were these two large Golden Retrievers half asleep lazily on the floor, one male and one female. Ben and Beauty. Apparently, they get shoved there every morning to be babysat. As usual, I bugged the dogs until they gave up sleeping and turned their attention to bugging me instead. Pawing, sniffing, treading on my toes and sneezing. I want a Great Dane or a Golden Retriever named Rufus...
Happy New Year

dance instructor. We saw druggies just outside Little Labenon after we left. What a way to spend a New Year by smoking crack. The photos I took that night are rather bad, took them with a 2-megapixels camera phone set in VGA mode. I was simply too lazy to bring a camera. Here's a video of Uncle Arthur teaching Uncle Jimmy's wife to dance. All these dancing make me think of Lee Chun Hoe (who takes ballroom dance lessons). PS: my deepest apologies that the video is upside down, just twist your head according to the direction you prefer.
Happy New Year
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