My blog is... *drum rolls* X-RATED!!! Oh, just kidding. I got a PG-Rated. I guess I should congratulate myself. *Pats self on back* Green, I like green but I wish it was orange instead or something. Oh yeah, I found this thing on Kelvin Ting's blog (his blog is G-rated) and this piece of crappy rating thing can be found in

Then, I decided to try to see if there was anybody with a more drastic rating than mine. So, I tried the most 'hamster attempting to be a T-rex and failing miserably' blog owner that I knew, namely, Perry and I got this. Ooo... Since he's 16 and blogging R-ratedly, that means...he needs parental accompaniment went blogging?

So, I tried the joker who kisses lady stone statues in Crown Plaza, Jonas. And just because he used to word 'bomb' three times in his blog, he got the same rating as me, PG-Rating. Maybe they think he is a terrorist to be... Al-Qadir (heard if off CSI Miami) member or something.

I wonder if they have purple-colored ratings for Samantha? So, I decided to check it out and sadly, they decided green was a better colour for Samantha. Maybe I should have photoshopped it before I posted it. But nah, that's cheating. God said no cheating.

I thought of Deborahh and wondered, hmmmm... and my thoughts were answered. She too, joined the R-rated gang. Since she's 17 (she drives! Is she nice enough to be my personal driver for RM0.50 per day? Hmmm...) she can blog without parental accompaniment I guess since she can actually view whatever she posts.

Polar bears are kuai fellows right? Think again. Bruce joined Perry in the R-rated group as well. Well, they always say that true love lasts even in hot water. Guess all those lovey-dovey stuff Bruce posts up in his blog isn't exactly good-boy material after all. Snorts.

Then, I tried the famous Kuching blogger, Kenny Sia's blog and gaaaaaaaaasp, he got...he got... a G-rating!!! Isn't he the fellow who blogs alot about male and female reproductive organs and etc, etc and he got a GENERAL SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES RATING!!!! But, I concluded that because he blogged in Hokkien about all those that's why the program couldn't detect it, because it wasn't Chinese educated! Unless... all those l*an c*ao business is suitable for children.

However, another famous blogger, Xiaxue, apparently did not get away too easily with it. She outbeat Perry, Bruce and Deborah! Wonder if anyone is jealous that she beat their rating... Why is it that all the famous bloggers are either extremely *coughing fit* POLITE CRITTERS or FOUL MOUTHED CRITTERS? Maybe that's how they get famous...

We all know how Cedric loves green and hence, green he gets just because he mentioned the word breast 5 times. Oh, Cedric's not a pervert who is severely obsessed with female body parts or something like that, he's just currently obsessed with supporting Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and that earned him a PG-rating. I think my rating my actually turn into a NC-17 after using so the word 'breast' countless of times to blog about Cedric's rating... -_-"

I checked up Tze Lun and Wen Qi's blogs too but ahh, they were too goody-goody two shoes and got a G-rating so they don't fit my 'X-Rated post'. GOODY GOODY TWO SHOES! Hence, a lesson is learned here today. To earn ourselves a G-rating, we must blog like Kenny Sia. In short, start blogging about d*ck sizes (must be in Hokkien) and you'll earn your G-rating. Good luck.
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