Raya! Yeah and that means Hari Raya visiting. That was a photo snapped during Raya visiting. I'm not much of a visiting sort of person so all I went to today was my aunty's house in Matang Jaya (she's Chinese married Malay) and my neighbor's house. My aunty gave me a Vietnamese embroidered bag today and oh, I got a green packet from my neighbor. That's the first time I received a packet that isn't red with Chinese wordings that scream out "Gong Xi Fa Cai" on it. I had to photoshop the photo that I posted yesterday because the fellow threatened to cry if I did not do something to it. Alrighhht, so I obeyed the fellow's bidding by photoshopping it. Photoshopping is fun especially when there's a photo that has great color quality. Got to get going, got mass later and then it's kolo mee for dinner. I heard my parents discussing that there would be roasted pork for next years' new year dinner gathering and awww, once again another pig is going to die with dignity. Roast in pieces.

Got to raid my brain on what to get for this fellow's birthday...
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