We had Prize Giving Version 1.0 today which, was for the assistant monitors and class monitors, prefects, librarians, co-curricular activity achievers and Nilam achievers. We were all like sardines squashed into our school hall and it was so humid that some of us were roasted alive. Please, do not forgot us sardines in brown blazers which, act as tin foils, roasting us up at an even faster rate! I got a plague and certificate for prefects and a certificate for mooting. Turns out, Prize Giving Version 1.0 ended at 12.30 instead of the 1.00+ that the teachers told us. Great. I stayed back in the hall with Nishanti, Cheryl and Rhema, 'celebrating' Rhema's remarkable streak of falling down for 3 times this month with snorts.
Today, Rhema and I ransacked the Biology lab. Puan Susiena (?) sent us to look for the biology reference book. I found a bone and was waving it around the place while ransacking the biology lab. Finally after several long moments (filled with nags from Rhema about me being gross waving a bone around) and after two trips back to the biology lab, we finally found the biology book. I was busy searching for preserved items in the glass cabinets and saw nothing at all. When do we get to dissect frogs??!!! I thought Puan Susiena said after exams... I am eagerly waiting...
The Form 5s seem to be 'jiwang' (can't think of a better word) with some song that they were extremely eager to play this morning break. Apparently a photo of me was secretly snapped without my knowledge... Should sue the photographer for invasion of privacy! (evil laughter).
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