Went to Coffee Bean last night after I went to buy this pair of Giordano pants. Got a new MNG bag yesterday too. Ignore that. Had a Black Forrest ice-blend for RM12.50. Nowadays, coffee at any coffee shop is just so not worth it. RM12.50 for a plastic cup of coffee beans, cherries, chocolate and cream that had been shoved down a blender and then later, the product from the blender is served to you with a flashy spray of whipped cream. RM12.50 could feed at a small portion of the third world already! I know, I know, coffee tastes great especially ice-blends. So last night, I was bored at Coffee Bean, I ended up listening to my mp4 player and watching pool on the television. My sister said that I was just like Ezra's 16-year-old brother who would just sit there and listen to his mp3 player with his drink and not talk. She wanted to play pool but we were certainly not hitting any clubs or pubs to play pool. Apparently, nobody ever thought of placing a pool table in a more family-enviromented place like in a shopping mall or at a coffee shop.
Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt...
"...Brad Pitt!" Those were the two words Rhe and I heard that jolted back our memory about the time when *Anna (name undisclosed due to privacy) said that Cornelius Ng looks like Tom Cruise and Bruce Wong looks like Brad Pitt. We laughed so much that we could have possibly laughed our heads off, and I meant that literally. Then, today we remembered the whole Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt deal and we went to ask Anna if she remembered and had a heck of a laugh.
It's so hard to tell the Malays' appart from the back! All you see is white tudungs (in school I mean) and the white and blue baju kurung! Gosh, it's so hard. You ought to try to get a few people to wear identical tudungs and baju kurungs and shuffle among themselves and then, you try to tell them appart from the back. It's hard! Like yesterday during assembly, Rhe and I saw this girl in a tudung that looked rather like Athirah but at the same time, it didn't look like Athirah. So we weren't sure and I was going, "Athirah, Athirah!" in a loud whisper during assembly. And, there was no reply. Then, Rhe asked Edith, who is that girl in the tudung in front of Aisyah and Edith said that it was Athirah. When, the girl turned around, it really was Athirah! Maybe they ought to have like names embroidered on the back of their tudungs. It would really save us some work and energy having to make sure we got the correct person before shouting out the name or smacking the person on the back.
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