Oh my gosh, I am so freaked out. The exact word to use would be...spooked...I witnessed some girl getting possessed today during break time. That time I was in the classroom, talking with Rhe, Esther, Nisha and Lilian. Then, suddenly, there was screaming and Christine and Ashley came, they said that, that girl was getting possessed. I went out of the classroom and I stood about 4 feet away from the girl. I was speechless, she was writhing, struggling and screaming while a few girls were pinning her down. At first she was fine according to Natalie, suddenly she spit out the drink she was drinking and started to scream and struggle. It was all starting to attract a big crowd. Then, Ustazah Aminah came and placed her hands on the girl's head and was reciting something from the Quran and the girl screamed even more. She kept screaming and screaming. She was struggling as Ustazah Aminah continued on reciting from the Quran. I was standing there, dumbstrucked, it looked almost like it was a scene cut out from the Exorcism of Emily Rose in Malaysian spice. To me, it had a fake spice in it but at the same time, who would pull off such a prank right? Then, she sort of passed out and the senior Red Crescent members loaded her onto a stretcher and brought her to the sickroom. It was kind of scary watching it all happen before my very own eyes either it was really a posession or not...
Before the possession incident today...
Yesterday, the girl was walking up the stairs early in the morning to school and she fainted suddenly. She claimed she heard somebody call her name and then she fainted. Andreana saw the girl faint. Three days ago, during the school food and fun fair, the girl went into the haunted house and when she came out, she was acting all weird and like I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, she tried to commit suicide, jumping off the school hall railing but Hayyu's boyfriend grabbed her and pulled her back. Apparently, Hayyu's boyfriend was affected too and was something like paralyzed in hospital. How true is that, or is it just plain exaggeration, I have absolute no idea...
Hysteria or posessed?
The girl said that she lost her necklace in the haunted house and that the necklace was givent o her by a deceased person. So, she went back into the haunted house for the second time and couldn't find it, so she thinks that the whole posession thing was the deceased person's idea of a punishment for loosing the necklace. In my humble opinion, the logical, sensible side of me seems to think that it was probably psychology and trauma. Because she psychoed herself to be scared over the haunted house, so somehow she psychoed herself to think that there was something haunting her and then finally threw a hysteria. And because she thinks it was a punishment by a deceased person, so she somehow pyschoed herself into subconciously acting possessed. Or perhaps she was trying to seek attention, right? Who knows. I mean, I thought you wouldn't remember details of being possessed, you wouldn't even know you were possessed and why do the attacks only come at school? What about at home? Wouldn't her parents had noticed them and not send her to school? Why does her screaming sound like it was an act? Why? I have like a million questions playing in my head. Another part of me seems to think, nobody would pull of this kind of possessed jokes, so could it be real? It is sort of scary thinking about it either she was throwing a hysteria or really possessed...
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