Well, it's a ball not just any ball but a palm ball. Apparently, it's supposed to exercise your fingers and I mean that literally not figuratively. Getting the impression of muscular fingers? Well, that just does not happen. It's supposed to strenghten your fingers, guess those with weak fingers could work with one of these things. For your information, no, I did not buy that palm ball. I would rather spend my money on more beneficial items like *cough* shopping or perhaps going pc plug-in hunting. My dad got that palm ball as a token of appreciation from the TMnet company for I-have-absolutely-no-idea-why. In my oppinion, the palm ball serves better as a anger-management technology. Since it's made out of soft rubber, you could just wham the whole thing against the wall or somebody and best of all, it does not cause injury to you or the poor victim you threw the palm ball at. No damage means no money leaking out of your pockets to pay for the damage done. Isn't today's technology a marvel to the human mind? Just how innovative did we get until we improvise simple machines into complicated machines...
A pop to the dentist's...
Cavities? No, I do not get cavities, thank you very much. Plague? Big no, no. I stick to my dental hygiene routine for your knowledge. Was supposed to have my braces fixed on today but Dr. Alex said that they would put the braces on my upper jaw first after they straightened out and pulled back my teeth on the top jaw with the retainer that I am now using. Then, after that, they would fix the braces on my lower jaw. Anyway, the nurses were commenting about the cyrstal necklace that I was using. One of them asked if it was crystals and the older nurse was saying that, my crystals still couldn't outbeat the diamonds some lady wore this morning. Who wears diamonds to a dental clinic?? It turns out that my dentist supported Brazil at first, then when Brazil was out, he supported Portugal and then when Portugal was out, he supported Italy. Exactly what I did!
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