I lost to Jason Chen!!!
Noooooo! Why like that? How can Portugal lose? How can France win? This is all Jason's fault, must be he go curse me to lose...hmf! Now I'll have to pay this Jas Rm15! Unfair! Yesterday evening, we made that bet and then this morning, the first thing that came out of my mouth when I reached school was, "who won yesterday's match???" and then the reply came, "FRANCE!!!!" I was like going, "nooooooooooo!!!" Sean is telling me to play focus, bet Rm5 on Italy and France and then if I win, I get my money back times five. Big risk leh...if I lose then pay times five ah! France won mainly because of sheer luck if you ask me because they scored a penalty, making it 1-nil. You know, so far I had never gone wrong for a single match, predicted them right in straight flushes and now poof, I broke that streak due to saying that Portugal would win 1-nil! Argh, total opposite!
I'm sorry, you just look like Jason Chen...
Hahaha! Christine was telling Rhe, Mich and I this incident that happened to her at Choice Daily yesterday evening. She told us, she saw this guy who looks unusually like Jason Chen in the same basketball jersey she saw him use at the fun fair and he was wearing shades, plus he was dark like Jason too. So, Christine said, the guy was picking out pasta sauce and she was staring at him, because he looks like Jason. So she walked to the front, further away from him to stare. Then after she was done staring, she went to pick out some apples. Then the guy came over to her and ask her,
"why are you staring at me?". Christine replied, "
No, I just thought you looked like Jason." The guy started asking,
"who is Jason? How you know him? Maybe I know him." Then, Christine was like lost for words, she replied,
"I always hear my friends talk about Jason." Then when they went to the cashier, Christine said that the guy was still asking about who Jason was but she said, luckily her mum came to save the day and the guy didn't dare to ask anymore. When I heard the story, I was thinking...wow, just as si ai bin as Jason Chen! Hahaha, so we think most likely, a 90% chance, Christine had ran into Jason at Choice Daily. Oh, and she mentioned and immitated the funny confused face the guy was pulling when he stared at the pasta sauce, trying to make up his mind, which one to buy. So, just now at 4pm, I asked Jas if he did go to Choice Daily that day and it turns out, he didn't and plus he claims he broked his sunglasses anyway. Oh, and he told me to tell Christine,
"nice try but you failed."All my money on Italy against Jason...
Jason is so kind! Cough! Hahaha. First, the official bet we made on France vs. Portugal was Rm15 and then later towards the evening around 4.00pm, he said, he pitied me so he reduce the stakes to Rm10! Hahahaha. Then I just played around and said, how about 15 testimonials and Rm5 instead and he agreed! But of course not la, I keep to my word and told him he would get his Rm10 together with the next bet we made, which was on France vs Italy. I'm betting Rm10 on Italy. Sean offered to play focus with me. He bet that it was France would win with a 1-nil score but I turned down the bet because I didn't want too much of my cash at stake! Especially that France and Italy were pretty good teams. Italy had pretty good defence but I'm not too sure about France. But surprisingly France came back pretty strong this year, beating Brazil and Portugal and now 50/50 on beating Italy. I can't believe some people are actually betting through dealers, that's like big win, high risk not to mention that, it's illegal. Well, actually I just discovered it was illegal from Jas when he said,
"how to sue the dealer if it's already something illegal?" Oh well, Italy just has to win! Jason can't win two times in a row!!! Jason really makes my day...*rolls eyes*