Happy New Year!!! Today's the first day of the year 2007, a brand new year with a brand new start. I went out with my parents last night for supper and then a car ride around town. I must say that the New Year celebrations in Kuching are pretty quiet or shall I use a better word, modest? A couple of bangs in the sky created by the small little displays of fireworks here and there, popping up in the sky, wheezing happily and appart from that, nothing special. Then, we drove past Padungan area and it was packed with human beans engorged in celebrating their New Year in different cafes and clubs. You could hear loud techno music blastic as you drive pass. The place was simply crawling with people, packed like sardines.
Anyway, I was supposed to go out this afternoon to watch Night in the Museum with Choulyew,
Ian and a human bean at Star Cineplex. Unfortunately, this human bean couldn't make it so, we shifted our plans to Tuesday instead. Our original plan was to go for a round of pool at Everise
but then, the pool place was not open on public holidays so the plan shifted over to catching a
movie. Unfortunately, on Tuesdays, the pool place at Ala Cart wouldn't be open. Too bad but
nevertheless, at least I get to go out before school reopens on the 3rd of January! Wow, an
entire year really flies from 1st of January 2006 to 31st December 2006 and landing gracefully
on the 1st of January 2007!!! Anyway, I decided to list down 10 things on the most memorable
moments of 2006.
10. I had my very first aspirin allergy on the 23d of July 2006.
9. I first wore retainers on the 28th of March 2006.
8. I tried vegeterian kolo mee for the very first time this year 2006.
7. I got first in class for my second term exam in May 2006.
6. I sat for PMR examinations on the 2nd of October 2006.
5. I first started shooting training on 31st of October 2006.
4. I went for my very first shooting competition at on the 5th to 11th of December 2006.
3. I had a great day with my Christmas present on the 26th of December 2006.
2. I got 7A's for my PMR 2006 when results were out on the 28th of December 2006.
1. I received the best Christmas present on the 16th of December 2006.
A new member to my collection... Russ named it Wellesley...
By the way, something really interesting happened at night when my family and I were heading out to Crown Plaza. Just few meters away from our house, my dad's car suddenly stopped. Apparently, the engine got jammed. So, all plans to Crown Plaza was aborted. While my dad walked home to get my mum's car, my mum and I headed over the Green Gallery. There, I found the cutest Russ Berrie teddy named Wellesley which, my mum bought for me! Oh, she helpfully told the salesboy that it was my 100th teddy bear. Then, we ended up eating dinner at Jade Mandarin. I had a glass of beer and a glass of stout. Strangely, beer didn't taste as bad as I recalled how it used to be last time. I didn't get drunk... if that's what that's running through your head now...
Anyway, I was supposed to go out this afternoon to watch Night in the Museum with Choulyew,
Ian and a human bean at Star Cineplex. Unfortunately, this human bean couldn't make it so, we shifted our plans to Tuesday instead. Our original plan was to go for a round of pool at Everise
but then, the pool place was not open on public holidays so the plan shifted over to catching a
movie. Unfortunately, on Tuesdays, the pool place at Ala Cart wouldn't be open. Too bad but
nevertheless, at least I get to go out before school reopens on the 3rd of January! Wow, an
entire year really flies from 1st of January 2006 to 31st December 2006 and landing gracefully
on the 1st of January 2007!!! Anyway, I decided to list down 10 things on the most memorable
moments of 2006.
10. I had my very first aspirin allergy on the 23d of July 2006.
9. I first wore retainers on the 28th of March 2006.
8. I tried vegeterian kolo mee for the very first time this year 2006.
7. I got first in class for my second term exam in May 2006.
6. I sat for PMR examinations on the 2nd of October 2006.
5. I first started shooting training on 31st of October 2006.
4. I went for my very first shooting competition at on the 5th to 11th of December 2006.
3. I had a great day with my Christmas present on the 26th of December 2006.
2. I got 7A's for my PMR 2006 when results were out on the 28th of December 2006.
1. I received the best Christmas present on the 16th of December 2006.

By the way, something really interesting happened at night when my family and I were heading out to Crown Plaza. Just few meters away from our house, my dad's car suddenly stopped. Apparently, the engine got jammed. So, all plans to Crown Plaza was aborted. While my dad walked home to get my mum's car, my mum and I headed over the Green Gallery. There, I found the cutest Russ Berrie teddy named Wellesley which, my mum bought for me! Oh, she helpfully told the salesboy that it was my 100th teddy bear. Then, we ended up eating dinner at Jade Mandarin. I had a glass of beer and a glass of stout. Strangely, beer didn't taste as bad as I recalled how it used to be last time. I didn't get drunk... if that's what that's running through your head now...