Anyway, the air and .22 gun that Ian and Choulyew shared screwed up today. In other words, spoilt. What a coincidence. Choulyew's gun backfired at her very last shot, causing her to shoot a 2 to the right and normally she shoots 9s and 10s. Then, she tried her gun again and once again, it shot to the right and it was a miss. Calvin, Ian and I tried as well and it all went to the right and was a miss too. Ian clicked 24 times and it still shot to the right. So anyway, due to such unsatisfying results, they allowed us to recompete this Wednesday together with Stephanie. What a lousy day today is!!! 326... my worst ever! But anyway, it was so nice and sweet of the bestest human bean on earth to call and check on me after that!

Anyway... for those who have got nothing better to do, kindly visit this rather fascinating and interesting website http://fizzlebot.com/sinthai/thehouse.htm that Vincent had introed Christine to visit. Christine introed me and now I intro you to visit it!!! Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy it!!!
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