Did anyone missed me while I was away for the Under-15 Shooting Competition in Johor from the 5th of December until the 11th of December??? Hahaha!!! Bet someone did...cough cough! On the 5th of December 2006, Aunty, Kak Sue, Kystal, Samson, Stella and I left to Kuala Lumpur. When we reached Kuala Lumpur, we had to wait for almost 2 hours plus for our rifles and pistols to arrive on the next flight. The reason why it took so long for our rifles and pistols to arrive was because Kak Sue came late at Kuching International Airport so we check-in our guns a little too late so they had to put it on the next flight. It was such a long wait!!! Then, it was a 45 minute drive to Bukit Jalil sports school, we stayed a night there. Poor Samson had to stay all alone in a dorm while Aunty, Kak Sue, Krystal, Stella and I stayed in one. They didn't have time to prepare bedspreads and blankets for us that night and it was freezing cold when it was time to sleep!!! Stella ended up sleeping in between the beds on the floor because she said it was simply too cold. Aunty and Kak Sue bought us all to Carrefour on that night. We walked all the way there and took cabs back to Bukit Jalil.
6th December 2006
We had to spend 4 hours in the Majlis Sukan Negara van to Batu Pahat, Johor Bahru! Left and right, all we saw were palm oil trees!!! Millions of them I tell you, lining the sides of the roads. First we went to Batu Pahat Shooting Range to keep our guns in the armoury and then Samson and I left our equipment at the range. The other state shooters were so hardworking, they all went for training where as us Sarawak shooters, left after that and went to our hotel, Hotel Carnival. Its pretty okay, Krystal, Stella, a Penang girl named Kok Sher Ling and I stayed in one room. For today, Sher Ling stayed with her mum in another room and only stayed with us the next night. Aunty, Stella and I went to eat cha kueh tiaw at the coffee shop opposite our hotel. That afternoon, Stella and I went to walk around Batu Pahat and we found this shopping center. I bought a purple bracelet that would match my outfit for Christmas. Hehehe!!! And I bought two crystal keychains with some sort of horse in it for two human beans I know. Stella bought some keychains and earrings. Towards the evening, we discovered that there was deep fried chicken and french fries at this coffee shop opposite our hotel. We think its deep fried chicken butt. Eitherway, it tastes great and we kept going back there to buy more. Stella and I kept playing around with the elevator, going up and down. The other shooters started whistling at us and Stella went, "PHEEEEWIIIT!!!!" really loudly whereas I went, "AHEM AHEEEEM!". We kept doing that from the first floor at them, who were on the ground floor. Anyway, we stayed in room 301, Aunty and Kak Sue in room 401 while Samson in room 402.
7th December 2006
Today, the Under-15 Competition starts. The events for today are 50m Rifle Prone Women, 25m Sport Pistol Women, 50m Rifle Prone Men and 25m Sport Pistol Men. While they were shooting for the .22 events, we went to train for our air events. I was going to compete the next day for Air Rifle Women event. When I was training, there was this 12-year-old Penang boy. He's an air rifle shooter and had only trained for 3 months. I was like staring at him when he suddenly sang some Superman song while shooting or going, "lalalalalala!" or "teedumdumweewee!!!". Then, he told me to call him "Mang Kuang". I can't remember his name. But he's one amusing kid. When he couldn't get his shooting jacket off, he started rubbing his back against the table in attempt to remove his jacket like he was some sort of bear scratching his back against a tree bark.
8th December 2006
I competed today for Air Rifle Women event at 9.00am. Aunty made me ate an egg for breakfast as I was not allowed any spicy food. I don't think I did so well for my competition compared to my training. I only shot a 337, where as I had shot 346, 349 and 357 during my training. Somehow, I made it to the finals and during my finals, I miraculously managed to miss my last shot! Grrrr.... I was so irritated and kinda disappointed. That left me with only a 415 total where as training, I got 457.5. Sigh... I came in 8th for the competition. There was a guest shooter in the Air Rifle Women event, she was a SUKMA shooter and she shot a 394. Wow! That night, Stella and I exchanged shirts as souvenirs with Jun Ee and Elvin. They are Johor pistol shooters. I gave them both a SMK. St. Joseph T-shirt each and Jun Ee gave some white T-shirt and Elvin gave me a red Nike T-shirt. Anyway, Stella, Jun Ee, Elvin and I went out that night to eat and to buy flat-soled shoes for Krystal as Aunty said that Krystal needed them for her competition the next day.
9th December 2006
Krystal and Stella competed in the Air Pistol Women event today. Krystal got 5th whereas Stella got 8th. Samson competed in the Air Rifle Men event today and he got 15th. Later, it was the prize giving ceremony. The Wilayah Perseketuan shooters and Johor shooters left today. That night, two Kedah shooters, Zhen Wei and another guy that I forgot his name came over to our room. They both shared to get us four Sarawak shooters, those handphone chains. We went to The Summit with the Penang shooters using their bus. There, Stella and Sher Ling bought lots of Chinese storybooks. Stella and I bought Choulyew's birthday present. I bought myself a really cute teddy bear. We saw so many of those tortoises that Elvin has hanging on his handphone. They look just like him! Oh, and we saw this bear that looks just like Elvin!
10th December 2006
Check out!!! We left to Bukit Jalil and they made so many stops on the way. Aunty and Kak Sue bought so much junk food and cloth. We finally reach Bukit Jalil around 5.00pm. That night, we went out with Aunty and Kak Sue to Carrefour again. I bought myself a new crucifix as my old one disappeared somewhere, leaving behind only the chain. I also bought this stainless steel ring that I asked the man to put it onto a chord and viola! It's a necklace!!! Stella pierce her ear again and she grabbed my hand so hard. Then, Stella and I went up to the 2nd floor of Carrefoure. We saw this shop that says Colour Rubber Gift Shop. That time we were both busy SMSing, so we walked in and were standing in there while SMSing. Suddenly, Stella grabbed my hand and went, "is that what I think it is??!" I stared for a moment before grabbing her and both of us fleed the store. It turned out to be a shop that sold condoms! This is the first time I came across a shop like that and they even had big posters up that had "play safe" written all over.
11th December 2006
We had breakfast before we left to KLIA. We had McDonalds and there was this guy working at the counter, who's freaking happy. He talks in a singsong voice! Stella and I were laughing at him. Then, after that both of us went to Asean Gifts and bought a sand-filled frog and two sand-filled lizards. Stella told Aunty to close her eyes and stretch her hand out. Stella placed the frog onto Aunty's hand and Aunty yelped and dropped it. Hahahahah! We laughed until we had stomach aches. When I had the lizard in my pocket, the tail was hanging out and this man kept staring at it with large, shocked eyes. Then, in the aeroplane, Stella and I were waving the lizard around and this man was laughing at it. We arrived at Kuching around 5.00pm and had to go to the armoury to keep our guns. I kinda miss Johor!!! But it feels great to be back too!!! Here are some pictures of the stuff I bought!!!
Choulyew's birthday present that Jas & I shared to get...

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