Friday, June 20, 2008

Of Arts

Performing arts goes with the words passion and delight. Uninteresting how Malaysia does not offer much prospect in that field unless you are willing to endure minimum wages of RM500.00 a month and sell burgers by the roadside to earn extra income. One of the people I know, is interested to pursue a career in acting. Who knows one day, some movie hits the Hollywood big screen and I could go, "Hey! I used to go to tuition with that actor!"
I finally watched "Take The Lead" staring Antonio Banderas on HBO Channel and I especially loved the ballroom dance parts. It was a 2006 release. I like classical dance not so much of modern dance. Unfortunately, I think I got five left feet or maybe those I call feet are actually hooves.

Gabrielle cheerily goes off to play the piano at 2.41AM

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