Thursday, June 5, 2008

Economical Solutions

Who can predict that the biggest prat that ever roamed the surface of planet Earth can turn out to be charming?

Yup, charming enough to forget my name.

Gabrielle Nathaniel Jee

*inserts indignant look*


Anyway, with the nation's oil price rising by 40% for petrol and 63% for diesel oil, it will be three times harder for parents to save money to buy stinking Play Station 3s or glorious Prada bags to put and end to their children's endless whines.

My mum said that the drive up to the courthouse will probably cost her double and she should probably go there by bicycle. Well there are other options you know, using other means of transportation that do not require fuel.

First and foremost, the sampan. The famous wooden boat in Malaysia that tourists normally pay a couple of cents just to ride from one end of the river bank to the other. Cheap and independent towards fuel. Not to forget that Sarawak is famous for its' rivers, so why not take a sampan to your destination instead of driving huh?
Next up, the bicycle. Every child probably knows how to cycle. Even the Japanese used it during the Japanese Occupation. Not only you save fuel money but you'll probably drop 5kg and end up with a figure like Arnold Swa-something after one week of cycling from Hui Sing Garden to Damai Resort.Or what about something new like horseback riding in the streets of Sarawak? A horse cost way less than a car, looks grand and horse feed is cheaper too but it comes with a shorter lifespan compared to Malaysia's Proton cars like the (in my opinion, hideous) Proton Savvy.Or something unique like this?

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