Sunday, June 29, 2008


I dreamed that the whole of Kuching was flooded very badly, all the way up to the tree branches. The only thing that I saved to survive the flood was a packet of hi-fiber Jacob crackers and "A Walk To Remember" by Nicholas Sparks that Perry gave me for my birthday last year.

Amy Lynette says that it is a bad omen to dream about floods.

I also dreamed that I went to a candy store which sold pumpkin yogurt drink. There were lots of purple, pink, green, orange and blue candy, ice cream and yogurt. They also sold slippers from Africa in there.

I think that is the effect of me not taking any junk food for nine days? Healthy me.

I crave for a Pepsi now actually but then, I hate carbonated drinks. I'm healthy so I'll take a 100 Plus.

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