Friday, May 9, 2008

A Long Post

I managed to get hold of the digital copy of our class profile photo. I think the photography is just plain bad. It's quite seen that a wide aperture lens was used and it made the people at the sides look bigger than they actually are. This is the worst professional photography I have ever came across. I forgot the name of this studio anyway.

My dad's first comment was, "this is professional photography??!"

First they crammed all of us at the corner of a 3 meters wide wall and then the photographer fixed on a wide aperture lens and started shooting. You see the curtains in the background, that is the size of the room. The whites are actually the walls perpendicular to the curtains.

Whoever who edited the photos had just clicked auto colour, auto contrast and auto level. Next, he just applied a glow around the inner edges so that it would not look as if we had been crammed into a box. All I did was just desaturate it and nothing else.

I could have just picked up a DSLR camera too, fix on a wide aperture lens, fit 44 students into a box room, Photoshop and develop the shots and then call myself a professional photographer.

One must really have all that endurance to go through three weeks of examinations. Two more days and those three weeks of brain torture would be over. Finally.

Last Wednesday, the whole of after recess was Islamic paper. We only have eight Islam students in our class. As usual, every year if we have do not have any paper after break (just like during mock PMR), we were allowed to go home. So on Wednesday, majority left school for home after recess and ironically, we instantly heard the news that all those who went home on Wednesday, are going to get demerit points.
I think it is 20 demerits? That means for prefects it would be double of that, 40 demerits. More than enough for us to be suspended for a week. Like Amy said, Surat A or B or C or D?

Although it is unlikely that the school authority is going to demerit the entire school but I quite believe that the initial cause of the Wednesday fiasco was because of a mistake in arranging our examination timetable. I think the school meant to put Islamic paper before Biology II paper that Wednesday, so that all of us would have to stay until after twelve.
Then again, retaining back 80% of non-Islam students in an examination room while Islamic paper is going on, will not be the smartest move to make.

If I were an Islam student sitting for my Islamic paper, I would not appreciate having 80% of the students around me, doing their own stuff while I am forced to sit for a paper and trying to focus. It is not a conducive environment.
My frank suggestion would be, only keep those who have papers to sit for in the examination room and ask the rest who have nothing else better to do, to leave the room. It is a distraction and it isn't wise.

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