Saturday, May 24, 2008

It is a Sunday

I had the lousiest dream this morning, stirred and feeling as cranky as Grumpy the Basset Hound. Then, I cursed mentally before I went back to sleep. At 9.30am, I got thrown out of my bedroom because my maid wanted to clean my room. So much for some shut eye.
Now you get why Grumpy was named Grumpy. One heck of a permanently grumpy dog who stamps on people's feet and sulks in corners. Anyway, last week we had another interesting question circulating around and as usual, I was the odd one out so I got called weird.

Do you change after a bath in the bathroom or use a towel out of the bathroom

Funny how most people use towels out of the bathroom before getting dressed. I think I was the only one who gets dressed in the bathroom. So, they called me weird. Some good friends indeed.
Remember the previous question about whether one should sit face to face or side by side with her partner when having lunch? Madam Kong claims that side by side is more passionate.

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