Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kids These Days, FABULOUS!

Just about ten minutes ago, I came across this particular blog by a junior of mine in Saint Teresa's Secondary School and it got me pretty ticked off. Let me tell you why.

I find it ironic that people complain, insult and criticize unnecessarily about their own schools. If one is extraordinarily unhappy with how their school runs or the environment in it, then I recommend home-schooling. Whatever it is, like the school then stay, hate the school then transfer. That is what my perception has always been.

Secondly, I don't find it very nice at all to criticize that "all the performances during Teachers' Day sucked" or "the lack of talent made it a terrible Teachers' Day". Obviously, that is why there is a difference between professional performers and amateur performers. If the performers during Teachers' Day could perform like professionals, Sony BMG would have signed them up years ago.
"hello, i know everyone's terrified of death but do you have to make up lies to make yourself feel better???Faith is for suckers. I hate religious people. live life in truth..don't blind yourself telling yourself that you will end up with wings and a harp in your hands."
Some people just have the nerve to post an entire paragraph hating people who believe in God. I have faith in God. So that looks like I am a sucker too. Wow. I know of two alter servers who read my blog, ISCF leaders and church-goers. They are religious people and it seems like they're hated for just being religious. The Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and all.
"If you are a dumb Catholic, get the heck off my blog and dip yourself in your coveted holy water till you might end up glowing with pure holiness."
You see what I mean? Disrespect for other peoples' religions.

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