Friday, August 24, 2007

Very, very, very angry blogger

Blasted heck!!! *lets out string of profanities and chucks mouse at wall* So much for doing good, you get good!!! *curses!* Fine, I normally put away on my MSN eventhough I am not away, well most of the time. Yeah, I like to do my work without any disturbances from my MSN contacts. Uh huh. *Curses some more* So, okay, this junior greets me and sends me a file. A WINWAR FILE, MIND YOU. It had a jpeg format. Whatever. It didn't look like those crappy viruses disguised as bloody shitty photo albums.

I mean, what the hell. I only let my guard down for two seconds by being nice and replying by clicking accept. Look what happened!!! What was that?? A Trojan?? I don't know! Blasted heck, all I can tell you is the moment the thing finished downloaded, this virus ATTACKED MY COMPUTER!!! *curses angrily* My computer went haywired. Yeah, turned itself on shut itself on turn itself on and shut itself on again! *PROFANITIES!!!*

I recalled performing system restore the previous time my computer went nuts and the volume controls all disappeared completely. Fine, I attempted that. However, THE BLASTED COMPUTER KEPT SHUTTING OFF. Yeah, yeah. Finally, I did it fast enough to click some random date and click restore. BLASTED HECK! Don't forget the torture of my pc lagging and lagging like some kaput creature. Like WHAT THE HELL??!!

PISSED. *curses one final time and multiclicks on publish post angrily*

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