Around 8.10AM, a metallic brown Merdedes Benz cruised passed my house and then I discovered that my driving instructor was sitting inside the Mercedes Benz. I sort of expected him to drive a Proton Saga. I was in the car together with three other people who were going to attend the talk too and they were at least twice my age.
The talk was not as bad as I always heard it being described. Not that boring but probably because the man giving the talk was quite a joker. He's a Bumiputera but he speaks Hokkien and rather often too but I found it awfully hard to understand what he was trying to say in Hokkien. He compared driving to marriage and said that they're the same thing. I went alone to the talk because I couldn't join my friend on Saturday, so I ended up sitting next to some Malay boy who smokes. Apparently the Malay boys knew a lot about cars, driving and road laws. I skipped lunch.
Now, I should probably read all those books they gave just for the sake of passing the law test.

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