Can money buy happiness? The old saying says that money cannot buy happiness. I don't think you can buy happiness because it is not sold in the market but money does bring happiness. At least sufficient money does. If you have no money, you'll definitely be thinking about your family and worrying about feeding them and etc. Can't exactly call that happy can you?
Money can buy education. Look at the plenty rich and less gifted Ah Bengs and Ah Liens who can pay hundreds of thousands to do courses like software engineering or worst still, medicine. Then they can afford to fail papers, pay and resit. Then look at those poorer but more gifted human beings who cannot afford 10% of the course fees and end up doing other courses. Please note that I used the word education not knowledge.
Funny thing is that education doesn't necessarily "buy" money. I can know 1+1=2 and that's not necessarily going to drop cash into my bank account. How I wish some crazy billionaire would suddenly give me one million for my education.
Money cannot buy health but can treat health. You could be rich or poor and healthy. That has nothing to do with money. But, you could be rich or poor but sick. Let's say two people of different financial statuses have cancer and don't talk about government medical aid. The rich could probably afford all the treatments, whatever herbal remedies and additional "anti-cancer food" while the poor probably can't afford to spend that much and can just get whatever he can get.
Can money buy love? Maybe not? But who knows? There are plenty of couples who divorce over money issues. This is the 21st century after all. Hmmm... that's a question to be answered by that rich and old Playboy billionaire. I forgot his name.

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