I went to Boulevard yesterday. I got decided to do a review about it in just five words.
DUNGYup, that was my review about the latest shopping mall in Kuching. Full of Ah Bengs and Ah Liens just like one million fat sardines squashed vividly in a soup can, I went once and I will never go again. I hope Spring (that will be opening soon in January) has better to offer. I don't know why but I just don't like Boulevard. -_-"

I went to the optician at Parkson Grand today and got a new pair of spectacles (bored of my forever frameless since Primary 5 many pairs of spectacles). Black and half-framed. My degree remains zero at the left eye (normal sight) and -3.25 at the right eye. Why are my eyes so retarded? I think I am the only fellow in the whole school to have eyes like that, I think lah. I think I maybe I watch too much television facing sideways without realizing...
Did I mention that I simply loathe playboy spectacles?
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