organized by
Red Crescent Youth Unit #3
organized by
Red Crescent Youth Unit #3
I joined the Red Crescent Annual Gathering Camp 2007 on the 10th of December to 14th of December as a camp committee. Fun. Technically my first time at AGC because I had never joined it as a participant before. It was a 5 day and 4 night camp. I stayed over only for 3 nights. Slept in the AVA room on the benches, freezing cold like freezer in there and when I woke up, I feel like frozen fish. The benches were so small that you can't even turn over without falling off it. Comfy eh? SO NOT. Anyway, that Theodore Abel below.

The scouts were like this before Red Crescent people started pouring into SMK. St. Joseph. Apparently, the scouts just love feeding the mosquitoes that's why they go about without shirts or maybe it's just because they want to show off their bodies. Fishy.
Day 1

Dropped by SMK. St. Joseph early morning. It was registration, opening ceremony then Ice Breaking. Later there was some outdoor games, telematch and there was a game where the participants started throwing bottles, ping pong balls and water balloons around the place (Aaron Chan's so call reinvention of the original game). Bumped into a few fellow scouts, the scouts were having their year-end camp at SMK. St. Joseph too. I notice their daily diet at camp seemed to be instant noodles and boiled eggs. They gamble a lot too. Some scouts eh? One of their tents looked really comfortable, a piece of canvas propped on a stick and with a few benches under it. Stefan pointed a toy gun into my face and cried out, "just testing". Mental. I went home at 5.00pm that day.
Day 2

They had their obstacle course that morning. The scouts build the whole obstacle course. Lots of mud. Very interesting. Poor Red Crescent participants though, they were extremely filthy. Maybe the scouts enjoyed watching them go through the torture? Plenty of minor injuries. Were the scouts trying to kill the Red Crescent members?? First Aid crash course after that by Chan Yee Hon. He's really good. There was SAR that night, (Search and Rescue). The scene was an accident. The casualties were Adrain Lee, Gavin Yap, Rowena and Ho Tze Yung. Can't really recalled their exact injuries. Adrain was lying under a car with a fractured rib and leg, Rowena had a vertical cut on her palm, Gavin had a sprained ankle and something else and Tze Yung had a scalp injury. SAR ended about 1.00am. It was amusing watching people treat Adrain. There was once when he got dragged about like a rag doll. The poor guy or wait...was he lucky to have so many female First Aiders laying hands on him? Hmmm... I wonder how Scouts slept through the noise. I camped overnight at the AVA room.
Day 3

Woke up like frozen fish. Shivered. Took a cold bath. Shivered even more. Watched their morning 'lapor diri', flag rising, Red Crescent song, morning stretching. For the first time I saw Theo leaping around the place like mad during the morning aerobics. Quite a sight I must say. Then it was some indoor games and a Quiz Bee using Skittles to keep scores. Chan came up with all the questions, rather strange questions too. That night it was a cooking competition. Must say that they all can cook pretty well especially Everad's group. I know quite a number of them borrowed stuff from the scouts. That night they had some more indoor games, a catapult invention game. Then I went up to bed early at about 11.00pm.
Day 4

Woke up like frozen fish once again at 6.00am. Had a packet of Famous Amos from Perry, that was my breakfast. Pecan butterscotch cookies, nice. Followed the participants around town for the Big Game Hunt. Walked on foot, mind you. That evening, I got to join the war game. It was a game where you had to run around a muddy field, with coloured water and flour mix on your hand and smack your hand on someone's back. So there I was running amok. Fun. Not so fun when you realize the toilet ran out of water to bath. So I had to wash my hair at the surau and then carried a pail of water from the surau to the toilet. It was tough job washing the flour off especially when Daniel Loo purposely put that muck into my hair. Not to forget I got rashes from the mud. Thank God it disappeared hours later. That night, there were sketches, performances, a barbecue and slow dance. Not telling who I danced with anyway. Slept at 5.35am. Some of the committee ordered McDonald's for breakfast/supper. Some of them slept in the canteen but I decided to drag my feet up to the AVA room and plop onto one of the couches there. Snores. The AVA room seriously isn't comfortable to sleep in. Too cold and the chairs are so small that you can't even turn over when you sleep without falling off it or waking up.

Woke up. Last day of camp. Closing ceremony. Camp is over. I lost my voice, caught a cough and a flu. Chan's germs I bet. Camp was fun. Met lots of interesting people in camp. Got to witness some of the scouts' strange antics. Camp feels too short.

1. Post camp reactions are never quite enjoyable especially when you lose your voice.
2. Getting dirty during camp is fun until you realize the toilet is out of water and you have to wash your hair at the surau.
3. Puzzled why Stefan speaks to me in Hokkien.
4. Promised to never sleep in AVA room again. Freezer. Rather sleep in the field.
5. Will love to try char kueh tiao by Jacky one day. Very strange char kueh tiao indeed.
6. Aaron Chan needs a haircut and I make a good hair stylist.
7. A round of thanks to Damien and Michael for the photos.
8. Some are so hyped over camp that they started a group blog,
The quote from camp this year is: PLEASE LA HOR
Here's about the Scouts Camp. It's really uninteresting...
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