Look what I got yesterday night! The last volume of Harry Potter. I got it from MyBookstore and apparently, it cost me (it ought to be my mum actually because she bought the book) a handful which was RM109.90. I'm halfway through the book now... Everyone got theirs for like RM88 or RM87 and hmf... I spent a handful more. Anyway, it seems like to me that everyone is blogging about how great this book is. Hence, I decided to oppose that motion. The book is interesting of course however, it contains many boring sections. A good book is something that is never boring and would keep your eyes glued on every single alphabet present on that page. Another bad thing, it's pricey, hole-burning in your pockets.

Words are very powerful and messes up your brain cells. All the while I am so used to saying the word "SOCKS". However, late I kept hearing a handful of people in my school going "SHYOCKS" and recently, I opened my mouth to talk to a girl about her socks, it spilled out of my mouth as... "Can you pull your SHYOCKS----I mean SOCKS!---up higher?" Ugh...words are so possessive and influential and it muddles up your brain. Here's a sentence that I ought to use in my English essay...
"I can achieve honorificabilitudinitatibus by creating a lapadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsa-nadrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhymenokikhlepikossyphophattoperisteralek-tryonokephalliokigklopeleiogaoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon."That sentence, is made up of more than 183 words I can guarantee you. I can also guarantee you that sentence...full of wrong usage of words.
PS: Firefox has spell check! Wow...
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