I went for dinner last night at this food court in Tabuan Laru and guess what I saw! I saw that Ah Beng walking in with supposedly silver hair which, ended up looking grey. Is that just 'hot' or what? I did not manage to snap a photo of his girlfriend in that shot as I was 'invading privacy' by holding the phone to my ear and then pressing capture as I did so and viola! A photo of that grey-haired 'hot' guy popped up in my phone. People who did a lousy job dying their hair look like goofballs when they step out to the street. I have seen one guy with silver-gone-wrong hair at Jalan Song food court and now another at Tabuan Laru. Maybe it's just my luck to run into silver-gone-wrong haired people? Why can't I run into green-haired monsters or purple-haired monsters? Green is so top of my list nowadays. Observe the countless amount of green in my blog and photoshopped images.

Why don't youngsters dye their hair green instead?? Green hair can certainly differentiate whether your 600 years old or 16 years old whereas silver hair cant do so! Oh, I almost forgot. That photo is courtesy from
Cedric's Blog. I just had to borrow that tuft of green hair to describe what I am trying to stress on about silver and green or purple or pink or blue hair.

What's so great about Photoshop Version 9??? Just a few new tricks compared to Version 7. So much for wasting so much energy persuading a mule...
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