Whole weekend thrown at the computer. Living with it.
Should have read Physics?
I'm in thermal equilibrium with the computer.
Maybe Chemistry?
I'm made out of molecules just like the computer.
Biology perhaps?
I'm biologically unrelated to the computer.
The computer is eating me up.
So is education...
But I have to eat both up. Swallow it, digest it.
However, can defaecate out the computer but not education...WHY?
Year-end examinations are only a couple of blasted weeks away.
I realized SPM is next year. I haven't even relax and meditate enough from PMR!
'Urban legend' to perform well in exams:
1. Drink Brands' Chicken Essence the night before exams.
Hell yeah, that's only if you want to stay awake and burn midnight oil and fry out the next day. Smart.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007
Hidup tanpa henti = Live without stopping
Pandu selamat = Drive safely
Hidup tanpa henti + pandu selamat = Crossing out of each other due to contradiction
That's 4 Science 2's Attendance Book. And the class monitor, Esther Ling had left her marks on it by sticking spiderman stickers that she picked off the ground this morning in front of the staffroom. Imagine the look on the Assistant Principal, Madam Euphrasia when she flips through and catches the sight of Spiderman lurking inside an attendance book.
Pandu selamat = Drive safely
Hidup tanpa henti + pandu selamat = Crossing out of each other due to contradiction
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Potter and teeth

"I can achieve honorificabilitudinitatibus by creating a lapadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsa-
That sentence, is made up of more than 183 words I can guarantee you. I can also guarantee you that sentence...full of wrong usage of words.
PS: Firefox has spell check! Wow...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007
PS: That was scrawled across the back of my History paper after exam in the car, stuck in the lunch hour traffic jam.
Anyway, my sister (the one that just came back from Russia) finally got her Wall's Mini Poppers. Due to me telling her "haiyah! Get it from Tabuan Jaya later lah! Get it now, by the time we get home it will be all melted!", she did not get her 'fantastic' ice cream from Kings' Centre. However at Tabuan Jaya, there was no Wall's Mini Poppers. Hence, she resolved to strangling me. This is not the first time I had been strangled. I was strangled for no apparent reason once in Four Season at the dinner table while my dad was asking what kind of fish we wanted for dinner. Finally at Everise, she found her 'marvellous' ice cream. Oh did I mention? I saw a very gruesome Wall's confectionary, it was Wall's Egg Tart Ice Cream. I mean, ice cream normally lasts for months of storage and with the egg tart in it, does it even last for months?? Fungussy blue egg tarts...
Exams are going to end soon...Hallelujah! I'm feeling very impatient now, going to burry my head in Chemistry later. But I guess there's nothing much to read up except on Chapter 4 and 5 only, so basically it feels almost like Merdeka today. Unfortunately, its not Merdeka yet, still two more days to go...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Grouch

I was staring at my computer keyboard this afternoon while I was terribly bored with nothing better to do after reading some History and with no one to bug through SMS, I noticed, that the keyboard lettering was just a random placement and was not based on any algorithm or anything at all. The only word I would see in the first line of letters is T Y P E W R I T E R. The person who invented the keyboard was probably some whacko guy who decided, "oh, since I can't type with them arrange alphabetically, let me just jumble them up!".
I was provoked into jealousy today. Sniff. Mean old grouchy Aaron Chan Ming HOCK (Ps: he hates his last name, that's why I capital-ed it up). Perry told me he got the new Harry Potter book and *inserts drum roll* as if on God's will, within the next five minutes, my phone rang and *rolls eyes* it's Aaron on the phone, gloating and bragging bout his new Harry Potter book and how he got it for only RM88.00 and reading out loud the first few lines. *Wipes eyes with tissue and blows nose*. I'll get my revenge on him one day soon... I'll feed him ten pieces of Wriggley's Extra Fire. Check out www.malaysiandonkey.blogspot for more information on this fascinating and miraculous chewing gum. I hope your reading this, Aaron...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Law & Shit

"There were three men, one Muslim, one Catholic and one Buddhist, hanging off a rope from a helicopter, about to die. Only one could stay... So Malay suggests to pray. Everyone agrees. Everyone prays. Muslim opens hands to say solat, Muslim falls off. Christian raises hand to make the sign of the cross with one hand still holding onto the rope but falls off as soon as Buddhist begins to do the 'joss-stick shaking movement'. Hence, Buddhist survives."
How much lamer can it possibly get? That's the effect of too much Pendidikan Moral, it makes you become so unbelievably 'perpaduan-ish' that you completely forgot your being racist. Do I make sense? Technically I'm being very 'perpaduan-ish' for including three main relgisions and racist at the same time. Whatever...
It's been such a lousy week that I completely forgot what I wanted to blog about. I swore I had a planning but it evaporated into thin air... Exams started yesterday, lovely. Did I mention what I wrote for English essay today? I picked the question that said... "start your story off with ...I stepped out of the house and I was determined never to return again." I wrote that I was this character in the 1800's and I was fixed up for some arranged marriage with some lousy guy who acts like a senile ninety-five year old grouch and eventually I decided to murder him by adding a couple teaspoons of sodium arsenic into his daily morning brew of coffee for four months and then I packed by belongings and *inserts drum roll* free from torture. Whatever, I can hardly remember anything...
PS: I saw a hippo and it crossed my mind as... uh...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Doodling habbit..
Exams are next week...Thursday, I won't be blogging much. Got lots to blog after my exams especially about the Council Installation, the lamest Buddhist, Christian and Muslim joke, black cats reviving the dead and whatever else it may be. Oh and two days ago, I turned on the stove and poof, a lizard fell from the sky and into the fire, caught on fire, ran around the stove and then died with its' feet facing upwards. I snapped a shot...but I can't find the photo in my computer. Too many photos makes it so freaking hard just to find one small shot.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
It was a hell of a good time...
Unbelievable, I have two speeches to prepare and by t-w-o, I mean TWO as in TWO!!! Two speeches are alot and by alot I mean ALOT!!! I am not the speech sort of person frankly speaking but it it was retaliating on stage, that's fine with me but not speech! I do speeches yeah but nevertheless, it's not something I would personally fancy doing unless forced to. Well, a certain cow offered to do my council installation speech, which I have to give during assembly this Wednesday and... this is how my speech turned out to be...
Tonight, I am truly grateful to be officially inducted as the in-coming head prefect of (name of ur prefect gang). For starters, I would like to thank all those present here for their grateful participation. For if not for them, there wouldn’t be a dinner at all. I thank all of those who have played their roles in the organizing of this occasion. One cannot achieve anything by oneself. Thus, this dinner wasn’t a one girl effort but the entire team’s effort.
Furthermore, I would like to thank the out-going head prefect, (insert name), for her guidance and willingness to share her experience and wisdom with me. I will also want to extend my gratitude to all the out-going prefects. Working with you has been one hell of a good time and I hope to be able to work with them again in the not-so-distant future.
Not to forget the newly inducted team, I hope I will be able to garner your trust and co-operation in the year to come. We’re gonna be stuck together for another 365 days or so, so I hope by getting your co-operation, we can make it a more pleasant 365 days or so. I hope that under my tenure as the head prefect that (bla on and on bout your propaganda)
Now, I do not want to ruin the festivities by blabbering any further so I shall leave you all now before you fall asleep thus leaving your faces in hot soup, and to let the food do the talking.
At that moment when I first read the speech written by this cow for me, I could decide to laugh or to strangle this utterly dung-brained cow. Yeah sure, rather amusing speech indeed but first of all, I said it was for ASSEMBLY and if I used that speech for the Prefects' Night, I supposed I would be hurled out of the room or I would be the main ingredient in the soup. So, I ended up using that speech as a frame and I had to civillize it. Next, I will read it to my reflection...
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