I used to think that I was already so futuristic when I used the claw hammer to hammer nails into my woodwork projects given by Puan Wong during Kemahiran Hidup also known as Living Skills as translated by me. I always thought the professionals used claw hammers to hammer nails into floorboards, floors, walls or furnitures until today when I saw the most futuristic sight ever at Crown Plaza.

I saw the cook of the Japanese Restaurant at Crown Plaza, using a meat hammer to hammer a nail in the tiled floor. I was amazed by this futuristic sight. He obviously used the same meat hammer that he uses to hammer the beef in your teriyaki to hammer nails in the floor. Maybe its best to make sure he washes the meat hammer before he hammers your slab of beef. Make sure there are no bits of white plaster in your beef or sniff your teriyaki to ensure it doesn't smell of cement before you consume it. How terribly futuristic...I feel so "zaman paleolitik" now... Cooks are so "futuristic".

It was Parents Teachers' Day today or in short, it was Report Card Day except the e-report is just a piece of paper so, its more like Report Paper Day. So, the comment I got was that I talk healthy. Yes, I TALK HEALTHY. So, listen up to me everyone for I talk healthy. My talk is very nutritious as it contains all the needed minerals and vitamins that helps to boost your ears immune system and helps in the growth of your ears. This is I, Gabrielle speaking very healthily and nutritiously.
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