That is none other than courtesy of me, a very bored girl who persuaded Jonas to give me his password to get into his blog and junkify his layout. People barfing are so this season especially when you barf with love, it's a unique layout. I mean, how many people got cartoons throwing up green slime and red hearts out on their blog eh? Like zero. If you can find one blog with a barfing person as the background, I'll salute you. Then, I came up with a second look, the greenified/ shrekified cube look. Dang, I love that "A Gabrielle Production" stamped on the cube. I am uberly bored at this moment, wondering what to do next. I was so bored and desperate to be entertained that I turned to my biology book and then now, I turn to my darling, the computer. Oh, I turned to my phone as well and I just got an RM10 bonus reload. Wonderful, another 1000 smses at the go.

Can you picture it, this was once alive and breathing. A remarkably adorable guinea pig who just loves the camera, posing away in the bathtub ignorant of the fact that its face is all over the internet and then next, poof it is in the saucepan sizzling away in hot butter and salt. Perhaps even marinated overnight in a white baggie in the fridge, swirling in a mixture of brown liquid. Outcome, fried guinea pig served with potato chips. Ugh... the poor darling...
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