Missions to accomplish for the year 2008:
1. Know about Islamic history as well as the back of my hand.
This means reading more of my history textbooks. Maybe I should just memorize the al-Quran? I swear history taught in school would be so much easier and more enjoyable for me if it was taught in English.
2. Send digital text messages way less.
I sent 8000 digital text messages in one of the months this year and hence, my poor and faithful W850i would probably be dead very, very, very soon. Poor chap, as good as dead now. DIGI would probably thank me for doing such good business with them. Strangely, those 8000 digital text messages only cost me RM20.00. Told you DIGI loved me as their loyal customer!
3. Procrastinate less from studying and doing homework.
I shall be a good, innocent, angelic, hardworking student this year (chokes to death). Hey, it will benefit me after all. They do say that nothing is free and hence, I translate that as success will not come free if you procrastinate unless you got a lot of cash to bribe the school or university to give you graduation slips.
4. Master the art of driving.
I watched Tokyo Drift again few hours ago and I thought, "oh cool, let driving be in my 2008 missions list too!" I bet I would pop a few eyes if I could drive like those maniacs in Tokyo Drift and probably earn myself a one way ticket to my death too. God would clap me on the back and throw me to the pits of doom for indirectly committing suicide. (Unless I repent of course)
5. Enjoy school life as a normal student (non prefect) for once in more than half a decade.
I was a prefect in Primary 5, Primary 6, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4 and I will still be a prefect next year in Form 5 too. When am I ever going to get a chance to wear those blue pinafores again?? They are so comfortable. Can't wait for July to retire as a prefect and spend some quality time as a normal student.
6. Continue to make more personal achievements in academics, co-curricular and so forth.
Everyone loves shiny plagues, crisp certificates, a grade card to stare at in awe. I know I certainly do. The more, the merrier. My trophy cabinet would be so pleased, so would my family and most importantly, so would I.
7. Eat more pork.
I never quite like pork but they said that eating pork makes the brain smarter. How true is that? I will eat more pork to experiment. That is also if, I actually decide I like pork.
Best moments in 2007 to be all nostalgic about:
1. My personal achievements that covers academics, co-curricular and so forth.
I was a little nobody in junior secondary (post-less) but suddenly in senior secondary last year, bang! I was elected as treasurer for Red Crescent, president for Literature and Debating Society and Head Prefect. Quite a blow. I went for many Red Crescent activities and those really taught me a lot about many things. I got five awards at the Prize Giving Ceremony last year, the most I have ever gotten after so many years in secondary school. I finally got the guts to change my glasses to half-framed pairs and also cut fringe early this year.
2. Meeting various very, very, interesting people. (Life changing, I swear!!!)
I met different individuals through various activities of both genders but I am only going to mention a few because there are too many! There's Gwendoline Sim who eats corn but not vegetables and hence, she taught me that corn were not part of the vegetable group. There's Jonathan Chin who owns a diamond ring and hence, he completely changed my perspective that diamonds are a girl's best friend. There's Valentine Tedong who is probably one of the greatest (?) aerobics master (as we call him) around. There's Perry Tan who... let's just say turned my life upside down, interesting and chaotic.
3. My first time ever going to the Red Crescent Annual Gathering Camp.
This one kinds of goes under 'personal achievements' but I decided that this was really one great memory to treasure since there area so many interesting things to remember. I met lots of interesting people, watched all of them have fun mingling, joined the War Game, witness the Scouts doing stupid antics at their Scouts Camp and probably slow danced the first time in my whole life!
4. Stupid surveys that Rhema and I cook up in class.
We concocted really ridiculous surveys such as "Is Belachan the same as Sambal?" or "Do you pee facing the door or facing the wall" and I guess there are probably more but these two surveys stand out the most in my mind.
5. Practically everything else there is in 2007, the good, bad or ugly.
This post would stretch a mile and tire brains and eye muscles if I am to type everything out.
The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the heart -- Helen Keller