Hahaha! I had such a laugh just now when Rhe told me about the weird question that Jessie popped up this morning when they were in church and there was a wedding going on. Rhe was Jessie's first victim to be asked that question if Rhe wanted to get married today. After that, according to Rhe, Jessie moved on to her second victim, which, was Abigail. Chai and I were laughing because the question asked sounded like Jessie was proposing to Rhe, asking her to get married today. Then, I was teasing Rhe. I told her, "how can you be so cruel to Teh! How can you steal Jessie from him!"
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
*gasp* Who knew that Puan Belinda could bellydance! Hahaha. I did not go for the bellydancing programme in school this morning but Rhe attended it. She told me that Puan Belinda could bellydance and was pretty good at it. When she first told me that. A mental image of Puan Belinda all fancily clad in those sparkly Arabian bellydancers costumes flashed through my head. I happen to have a very graphic mind... which, at certain times, does not come in very handy.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
*gasp* Who knew that Puan Belinda could bellydance! Hahaha. I did not go for the bellydancing programme in school this morning but Rhe attended it. She told me that Puan Belinda could bellydance and was pretty good at it. When she first told me that. A mental image of Puan Belinda all fancily clad in those sparkly Arabian bellydancers costumes flashed through my head. I happen to have a very graphic mind... which, at certain times, does not come in very handy.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
Fascinating small stories, one heck of a good laugh...
Rhe told me several extremely hilarious tales and please note that they are non-fictional. Let me jote them down in point form as I don't intend on going into the deep, dark details.
- 'Hannah' from my class wore short tights during the dancing session in school. Rhe, Claire, Chong and Amy noticed very vividly obvious and graphic panty-lines that indicated a g-string was worn. In Rhe and my terms of description, obscenity. Well, several of us prefects have already seen this obscenity being displayed during another skin-tight skirt display during our 2005 prefects' dinner. I don't find this much of a laugh as I have already laughed about it last year.
(laughable indicator: 7/10) - Rhe's sister actually cut her hair just because 'Bobo' touched it. Jilly suggested bleach but in my oppinion, bleach only turns hair blonde. There's more to the story actually but I don't think it is necessary to go into the teensie weensie details. (this was the best story so far and I laughed over it.)
(laughable indicator: 10/10) - 'Kylie' from one of the Form3 classes is quitting school to get married with some 21-year-old contractor and no, I am not pulling your leg or yanking at your feet this time. Personally, I don't think a laughable indicator fits this story since I would only give it a 3/10, so here goes with a shockable indicator...and I don't get shocked too easily too so this won't get a very high rating from me.
(shockable indicator: 4/10) - Stephanie asked Rhe if I was in a relationship with some Form4 boy St. Thomas, whose name I shall not disclose, because she heard people talking about it. Rhe pulled my leg by tricking me that she replied Stephanie with a, "yes. So long ago already." But actually and of course, she did not say that. I had a good laugh over that one.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
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