I got punk'd (in Jason's terms) again!!! This is like the second time he pulled one of his too-free-until-nothing-to-do pranks. This time he was telling me that he failed History and his mum banned him from going online until the next exam. He also told me how so many people got 80+ while he only got 30+ for History. I was pretty doubious about that at first after the last prank he pulled on me about Christine calling him up. After lots of extremely convincing acts from him, I started giving the "it's okay" speech. Then, he was saying about he was not in the mood and was going to go sleep, so he went offline (appeared offline actually). Then, I receieved a testimonial that said "GOTCHA!!!". Hmphf! Hate to admit it, I'm great at pulling pranks but he's starting to improve.
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