Very first shooting training...
I went for my very first shooting training today. I had to wait for Choulyew first. Then, her parents took us for lunch at Green Hills together with Ian. Ian left earlier because he had some Celcom project thing. So Choulyew and I went over to Ala Cart. It was boring there, we walked like round and round, doing nothing. As we passed the karaoke, we could hear this person in there who sang or rather shouted very loudly like he was some sort of heavy metal singer and it was awful. After that, Ian called to say that he was already waiting for the transport in front of Fata Hotel and told us to make sure Danny those people don't see me. On the way to Fata Hotel (which, is next to St. Thomas), we were on the right side of the road and Danny those people were on the left side of the road. As we walk, Danny they all kept staring and staring along with a couple of his friends, Stefan and whosover. Then, later Ian told us that Danny they all saw me at Green Hills with Ian, Choulyew and her parents. Ian told them that it wasn't me and that it was his cousin from Kuala Lumpur. I don't know if they really bought it or not. Then later, Clarence came walking back to St. Thomas and from afar, I thought he was a working parent! Then, the transport came and took us to the Police Field Force at Batu Kawa. There, they took their firearm and the Russian female coach gave me an air riffle. It was not exactly featherweight! It's 5.6kg! Then, the transport drove us to the shooting range. There, the Russian female coach trained me with help of the guy coach and the Chinese female coach. First, she trained me how to shoot sitting down. That was kind of easy. Then next, she gave me the jacket and the shoes and told me to shoot standing up. Now, that was kind of hard! The riffle weights 5.6kg and it was being supported by my chin, shoulder and first! Overall, it was fun I must say.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Lions Nursing Home
My class had a field trip to Lions Nursing Home as part of our Post-PMR programe. Before we left the school, I got stung by a bee and oddly, it never swelled up. Then, when we entered the bus we were taking to the Home, there was loud and horrible Malay music blasting loudly. A couple of my classmates wanted to change to radio station to the Chinese station whereas some wanted and Esther wanted Light & Easy. Okay, what have I got to say about Lions Nursing Home? It was definitely a pretty decent place for the elderly to stay at. We gave them biscuits and got the opportunity to chit-chat with them. Then, we were told by our teacher to entertain them by singing. And what did we sing? Our school rally, one verse of Jingle Bells and one verse of Rasa Sayang. That part was hillarious. After that, we toured around the carpark of the Kuching International Airport. Weird... Anyway, today's the last day of school but I still have to come to school on the 9th of November for the Prize Giving Day rehersal and on the 10th of November for the actual Prize Giving Day. I'm free now! FREEDOM!
My class had a field trip to Lions Nursing Home as part of our Post-PMR programe. Before we left the school, I got stung by a bee and oddly, it never swelled up. Then, when we entered the bus we were taking to the Home, there was loud and horrible Malay music blasting loudly. A couple of my classmates wanted to change to radio station to the Chinese station whereas some wanted and Esther wanted Light & Easy. Okay, what have I got to say about Lions Nursing Home? It was definitely a pretty decent place for the elderly to stay at. We gave them biscuits and got the opportunity to chit-chat with them. Then, we were told by our teacher to entertain them by singing. And what did we sing? Our school rally, one verse of Jingle Bells and one verse of Rasa Sayang. That part was hillarious. After that, we toured around the carpark of the Kuching International Airport. Weird... Anyway, today's the last day of school but I still have to come to school on the 9th of November for the Prize Giving Day rehersal and on the 10th of November for the actual Prize Giving Day. I'm free now! FREEDOM!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Top 3
Top 3 Ways to ease the holiday boredom for Internet junkies...
1. Sitting grandly on top of the list would be the Underground Square .
The Underground Square would be a suitable place for all Internet junkies to hang out at. Benefits from joining UGS? You get to post stuff, discuss stuff, share stuff, read about stuff, gain knowledge, crap and you get to know the UGS family. Not only that, joining UGS is one healthy way of spending your time online.
2. Let's give some credit to Maria Sharapova for winning the Zurich Open 2006.
Hey, look... blogging isn't just the job for the jobless Internet junkies as Maria goes blogging too. The benefits from checking out Maria's official site are... hmm, I don't know about this one. For you tennis fans or Maria fans, it might benefit you in terms of gaining knowledge and keeping in touch with the tennis world.
3. Music to the ears and for your blog at RADIO.BLOG.CLUB .
Always complaining about slow streaming and laggy performances of those music clips you embed in your blog or site? Complain no more with RADIO.BLOG.CLUB!!! Fast streaming and excellent clarity, the ultimate silver lining for all those attempting to embed music clips into their blogs. Not the forget the lovely fact that the music clips do not auto-play, hence, no irritating music blasting from your speakers without your permission.
1. Sitting grandly on top of the list would be the Underground Square .

2. Let's give some credit to Maria Sharapova for winning the Zurich Open 2006.

3. Music to the ears and for your blog at RADIO.BLOG.CLUB .

Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
My many, many beloved ones...
Wrong side of bed...
I must have gotten up from the wrong side of my bed this morning. I got up feeling all stuffed up, watery eyes, stuffed nose and sneezing. All that simply indicates to a sinus attack! I was awfully sleepy last night and I went up to bed at 11.00pm and I slept until 12.00pm this morning. Another 13-hour cycle of sleep, something that normally makes me feel fresh-awake in the morning but today I most certainly don't feel fresh-awake. Maybe 13-hour sleeps are starting to not suit me... I vow to sleep at 11pm tonight and wake up at 9.00am the next day.
Music to the ears...
That's my beloved and faithful 5-year-old Yamaha piano...

Music to the ears...

That's my current beloved violin...

I spent my afternoon practising my violin and piano. I have a violin exam coming up this December and then another in July 2007. I can feel my heart thumping, my very first violin exam and it's not Grade 1 or anything but it's Grade 3 in December and then Grade 4 in July 2007. That means, if I pass these two exams, by August 2007, I would be a Grade 5 violinist! I must admit that it's all pretty fast-paced for someone like me who had only started violin lessons around a year and a half ago. I have to admit as well, my violin isn't exactly up to Vanessa Mae's standard but I certainly hope I can pull that off one day *laughs*. As for my piano now, I love the classical piece I am currenly preparing for exams in 2007, Sonatina in Eb by J.L Dussek. It's a four-page long piece but nevertheless, it's a calming piece to play. I'm planning on calling my piano tuner to get my piano tuned up. Recently, I just gave my piano a 'facial'. That's why it's gleaming like diamonds now! You ought to take a look at it's brass feet... sparkling.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Cross-dressers in Kuching

I sound like William Shakespeare in Hamlet don't I? I got really mused up by one question that Teh asked yesterday on what my oppinion was whether it was better off being a girl or being a boy. It was unusually amusing how Teh thinks being a girl was better and Lilian thinks being a guy was better. On Teh's reason it was because it seemed like whenever a girl enters a guys' toilet by mistake, nothing happens but whenever a guy enters a girls' toilet by mistake, he gets brushed up. Lilian thinks being a guy is better based on a more scientific defination. As for my opinion, both has its' own ups and downs, whatever it is. As for being a guy, you could simply dress and not comb your hair and still look good, you could simply sit and it's still fine and best of all, you could curse and swear all you like and it's still fine. As for being a girl, you...well, can literally appear more angelic (just like me! ahem!). But still who bothers, I'm happy with what I am and I most certainly do not intend on being the next transversite like Jessie Chung or another cross-dresser.
Dare-to-bare cross-dressers vs. alim cross-dressers...
Speaking of cross-dressers, I ran into two today. The first one I ran into was in Parkson and at that moment, I happened to be walking with my dad to the watch shop. He was one extremely unusual fashion extravaganza cross-dresser who had stick-straight red hair with black highlights tied up in a ponytail that stuck out like a ruler. Not to forget the white tank top, one-inch heels and micromini flared demin skirt that had diamantes that spell out L.O.V.E across his arse. He was tall and by tall I meant really tall. Approximately 5'9 and by this I assume you can imagine how a mircomini would look like on him (should I start using 'her'??). Then at Sarawak Plaza, I was with my mum when I ran into this really tall cross-dresser around 5'10 and he was one really, really 'alim' cross-dresser who wore a flowery pink baju kurung and a pale pink headscarf! Two totally different kinds of cross-dressers, first the dare-to-bare cross-dresser and then the alim cross-dresser, how fascinating can this get? But at least these cross-dressers were scrawny, which, certainly beats those cross-dressers who are rather *ahem* fleshy and had moustaches. I ran into two of those fleshy cross-dressers at Parkson a couple of months ago and oh my gosh, they had moustaches! It was either they had forgotten to shave or that they just thought that was simply a big fashion y-e-s but actually, that was probably the most humongous fashion f-l-u-n-k!!! All these cross-dressers are seriously scrawny and just look at the way they walk! They think that they walk like girls but actually they do not. Not only that, it is practically an insult that those pondans think we females walk like that. Oh gosh... somebody do something!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Puppy love
How could anyone not love a cute face like that!
I actually got up at 8.00am this morning so that I could follow Uncle Matthew go over to Stella's (Chen) house to see their new puppy, Didi. Didi is a crossbreed between an Alsatian and a Golden Retriever. She's really obedient and not to forget, adorable! She's 3 months old now. As for Uncle Matthew's Alsatian, Saber, just got neutered (is that how you spell it??) two days ago. Now he has this big plastic collar around his head. When he rode in open back of my grandfather's four-wheel drive, there were all those little kids who started pointing and giggling at him. How I wished I have a dog of my own! Oh, here's a photo of Stella's pet rabbit, Bubbles. It use to be the size of two palms only but now it's simply enormous!
That's me holding simply adorable 'little' Bubbles...

Hari Raya visiting...
After I came back from Stella's house at Lorong Lapangan Terbang there, I followed my parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousin to go over to Aunty Lina's house for Hari Raya visiting. She converted to Malay after marrying a Malay. I had rice, curry, rendang, mixed vegetables and satay at her house. I met Sharon at Aunty Lina's house too. At first, I did not notice she was there until she stood up when her family was about to leave. Then, I was thinking, "that girl with the permed hair looks so familiar...hmmm" and then it struck me that it was Sharon and she had permed her hair. After that, my dad, mom and I went over to visit our neighbor. There I had rice, curry and rendang again. Their house seriously has alot of teak wood furniture. It's almost like going through a teak wood expo. As for Jonas' day doing Raya visiting, he encountered a rather interesting experience. He was thirsty, so he saw a clear glass jug filled with pure water and ice cubes. So, he grabbed himself a glass and poured himself a glass of water. Then, a lady came up to him, gave him a weird look and told him that was actually for water for washing hands. Well, they ought to put the water into some sort of earthenware jug. I mean, if you see a pitcher of clear water with ice cubes, first thing that runs through your head would be... water and water is for drinking. Last but not least, a very Happy Raya to all those out there celebrating it.
Slugs and snails...
I had dinner with my parents, grandfather and Uncle Matthew just now. My grandmother couldn't join us because she is currently in Bintulu and will be in Miri tomorrow. She'll be away for five days. Anyway, let's sneak a peek into my dinner menu just now... I had Japanese beancurd with sea cucumber, mussels and mushrooms in oyster sauce, steamed fish cooked with asam, fried Sabahan vegetables, fried 'Tek Thans' (in my words, sea slugs) and 'Kiss-me-not snails' in fried style. I have no idea why the chef calls them 'Kiss-me-not snails'. I refer to them as sea snails where as my uncle calls them baling-something as he used to live in Kuala Lumpur and thats what those Kuala Lumpur residents call those sea snails. I ate everything except for the sea slugs. I feel so full now, I believe I gained several temporary kilogrammes while all that is being digested by my digestive system. I got to go swimming tomorrow evening. Hari Raya visiting and dinners just don't go together. Big no no.

That's me holding simply adorable 'little' Bubbles...

Hari Raya visiting...
After I came back from Stella's house at Lorong Lapangan Terbang there, I followed my parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousin to go over to Aunty Lina's house for Hari Raya visiting. She converted to Malay after marrying a Malay. I had rice, curry, rendang, mixed vegetables and satay at her house. I met Sharon at Aunty Lina's house too. At first, I did not notice she was there until she stood up when her family was about to leave. Then, I was thinking, "that girl with the permed hair looks so familiar...hmmm" and then it struck me that it was Sharon and she had permed her hair. After that, my dad, mom and I went over to visit our neighbor. There I had rice, curry and rendang again. Their house seriously has alot of teak wood furniture. It's almost like going through a teak wood expo. As for Jonas' day doing Raya visiting, he encountered a rather interesting experience. He was thirsty, so he saw a clear glass jug filled with pure water and ice cubes. So, he grabbed himself a glass and poured himself a glass of water. Then, a lady came up to him, gave him a weird look and told him that was actually for water for washing hands. Well, they ought to put the water into some sort of earthenware jug. I mean, if you see a pitcher of clear water with ice cubes, first thing that runs through your head would be... water and water is for drinking. Last but not least, a very Happy Raya to all those out there celebrating it.
Slugs and snails...
I had dinner with my parents, grandfather and Uncle Matthew just now. My grandmother couldn't join us because she is currently in Bintulu and will be in Miri tomorrow. She'll be away for five days. Anyway, let's sneak a peek into my dinner menu just now... I had Japanese beancurd with sea cucumber, mussels and mushrooms in oyster sauce, steamed fish cooked with asam, fried Sabahan vegetables, fried 'Tek Thans' (in my words, sea slugs) and 'Kiss-me-not snails' in fried style. I have no idea why the chef calls them 'Kiss-me-not snails'. I refer to them as sea snails where as my uncle calls them baling-something as he used to live in Kuala Lumpur and thats what those Kuala Lumpur residents call those sea snails. I ate everything except for the sea slugs. I feel so full now, I believe I gained several temporary kilogrammes while all that is being digested by my digestive system. I got to go swimming tomorrow evening. Hari Raya visiting and dinners just don't go together. Big no no.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Lundu 2006!!!
Lundu 21 October 2006!
That's me being the Picasso of Lundu...(doesn't my drawing of 'Mona Lisa' look great?)
My dad, Uncle Ah Choon and I followed Uncle Jimmy's car up to Lundu on the 21st of October 2006. We made a pitstop at 3rd Mile for breakfast and at the same time, my dad went to get some fresh meat supplies at the 3rd Mile market. We had breakfast together with Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel and Loren. Sarah couldn't make it because she had her exams on Monday. At the coffee shop, there was this crazy old man who plays the music on the jukebox really loud, starts dancing wildly like those 50's hippies with all the wu-ha. I remembered he danced to some song that had the word kung-fu being repeated approximately 20 times. But nevertheless, the kolo mee I was eating had more of my attention rather than that hippy. At Lundu it was just Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Ah Bee, Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel, Loren, my dad and I. Last year, Samuel did not want to come along because he claimed that his brothers and sisters were far too noisy. Originally, Ah Bee's brother and sister were supposed to join us but then Ah Bee's brother had to go out station and Ah Bee's sister had something going on. So it ended up, we did not go fishing because Ah Bee's brother did not go. We left Lundu around 4 something in the evening on the 22nd of October and Uncle Raymond sent my dad and I home. Here's what we did at Lundu along with some pictures of it...
That's the 'Sahara Desert' of Lundu in the morning...
My dad took Samuel, Ah Bee, Loren and I out to the beach at around 11pm at night and wow, it looked like a Sahara Dessert to be honest. Because of the low tide, the water was so low that most of the areas were clear of water except for the shallow flow of the stream. My dad caught quite alot of shrimps using his hand. Samuel caught a or two or three, I guess. My dad catches with his entire hands where as we...haha, two-fingered style. That was one thing that I noticed. You could see all the shrimps' eyes glittering under the light from the torchlights we were carrying. We caught one fish too. It was fun. The shrimps were later eaten and well, by non either than Samuel of course together with his cup of instant noodles. I believe it was Tom Yam flavored instant noodles. The fish was not eaten of course. Samuel came across a clam shell and here's a picture of it in the morning...
This is Samuel's so call large ain't that big right!
Itchy fingers and many, many messages...
That's Samuel's phone...
Loren gave us Samuel's phone and Ah Bee and I went to look at his messages. Then later he found out because Loren went to tell him and according to Loren, Samuel was going to kill us. But of course, he wouldn't. He hijacked my mp3 anyway and somehow turned the sports timer on for almost 10 full minutes. Loren hijacked my mp3 as well.
That's my mp3 being hijacked by Samuel...

That's nobody else but me!
My dad taught me how to use a riffle and with real bullets of course! Meaning, hold, aim and pull the trigger. My dad taught me by asking me to shoot those small mangoes on the mango tree. It was pretty cool, I managed to hit two mangoes accurately on my first two tries. I made holes through the centre of them. Hehehe. Who knew that shooting could be this much fun! But of course, serious training for a shooting team would be really tough as riffles or any other guns arent exactly as light as feathers. This morning, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Ah Gu, Samuel and Loren went squirel hunting but came back with nothing as I think, the one doing the shooting was Samuel... Here are pictures of Samuel and Ah Bee shooting and oh, a picture of Loren posing with the riffle.

My dad, Uncle Ah Choon and I followed Uncle Jimmy's car up to Lundu on the 21st of October 2006. We made a pitstop at 3rd Mile for breakfast and at the same time, my dad went to get some fresh meat supplies at the 3rd Mile market. We had breakfast together with Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel and Loren. Sarah couldn't make it because she had her exams on Monday. At the coffee shop, there was this crazy old man who plays the music on the jukebox really loud, starts dancing wildly like those 50's hippies with all the wu-ha. I remembered he danced to some song that had the word kung-fu being repeated approximately 20 times. But nevertheless, the kolo mee I was eating had more of my attention rather than that hippy. At Lundu it was just Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Ah Bee, Uncle Ah Gu, Aunty Bernadette, Samuel, Loren, my dad and I. Last year, Samuel did not want to come along because he claimed that his brothers and sisters were far too noisy. Originally, Ah Bee's brother and sister were supposed to join us but then Ah Bee's brother had to go out station and Ah Bee's sister had something going on. So it ended up, we did not go fishing because Ah Bee's brother did not go. We left Lundu around 4 something in the evening on the 22nd of October and Uncle Raymond sent my dad and I home. Here's what we did at Lundu along with some pictures of it...
Ah Bee & I burried Loren in the sand...
That's Loren being burried up to his neck...
That took us around maybe 5 minutes? It doesn't take much effort and time to burry a 6-year-old boy. We even shaped the sand around him like a fish after that. A very crippled fish too. Originally, we wanted to do a mermaid but we couldn't get the arms to be of the same size so we gave up on that one.
Ah Bee, Loren & I burried Samuel in the sand...
That's Samuel with the coconut husks...
That *sighs* took us around what, 15 minutes? It takes alot of effort and time to burry a 170cm boy in the sand and not only that, it took many many kilogrammes of sand too! It was seriously energy consuming. Uncle Ah Gu took the courtesy of putting two coconut husks on Samuel's chest as part of the joke.

That took us around maybe 5 minutes? It doesn't take much effort and time to burry a 6-year-old boy. We even shaped the sand around him like a fish after that. A very crippled fish too. Originally, we wanted to do a mermaid but we couldn't get the arms to be of the same size so we gave up on that one.
Ah Bee, Loren & I burried Samuel in the sand...

That *sighs* took us around what, 15 minutes? It takes alot of effort and time to burry a 170cm boy in the sand and not only that, it took many many kilogrammes of sand too! It was seriously energy consuming. Uncle Ah Gu took the courtesy of putting two coconut husks on Samuel's chest as part of the joke.
Lundu's Sahara Dessert...

My dad took Samuel, Ah Bee, Loren and I out to the beach at around 11pm at night and wow, it looked like a Sahara Dessert to be honest. Because of the low tide, the water was so low that most of the areas were clear of water except for the shallow flow of the stream. My dad caught quite alot of shrimps using his hand. Samuel caught a or two or three, I guess. My dad catches with his entire hands where as we...haha, two-fingered style. That was one thing that I noticed. You could see all the shrimps' eyes glittering under the light from the torchlights we were carrying. We caught one fish too. It was fun. The shrimps were later eaten and well, by non either than Samuel of course together with his cup of instant noodles. I believe it was Tom Yam flavored instant noodles. The fish was not eaten of course. Samuel came across a clam shell and here's a picture of it in the morning...
This is Samuel's so call large ain't that big right!

Loren gave us Samuel's phone and Ah Bee and I went to look at his messages. Then later he found out because Loren went to tell him and according to Loren, Samuel was going to kill us. But of course, he wouldn't. He hijacked my mp3 anyway and somehow turned the sports timer on for almost 10 full minutes. Loren hijacked my mp3 as well.
That's my mp3 being hijacked by Samuel...


My dad taught me how to use a riffle and with real bullets of course! Meaning, hold, aim and pull the trigger. My dad taught me by asking me to shoot those small mangoes on the mango tree. It was pretty cool, I managed to hit two mangoes accurately on my first two tries. I made holes through the centre of them. Hehehe. Who knew that shooting could be this much fun! But of course, serious training for a shooting team would be really tough as riffles or any other guns arent exactly as light as feathers. This morning, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Ah Gu, Samuel and Loren went squirel hunting but came back with nothing as I think, the one doing the shooting was Samuel... Here are pictures of Samuel and Ah Bee shooting and oh, a picture of Loren posing with the riffle.
That's Ah Bee in action...
That's Samuel in action...
That's Loren posing as a hunter who just came back...with a coconut...
That's the mango tree...observe the mangoes carefully...

A little mischief at Lundu...
That's evidence of Ah Bee trickling water...
Uncle Ah Gu, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Aunty Bernadette and my dad were downstairs and barbecuing corn and pork. Then Ah Bee and I were very bored. Then, Ah Bee too the initiative of trying to trickle water down from the balcony floor and onto the spot where they were all at barbecuing. And Ah Bee hit bullseye when...hahaha, the water she was trickling, trickled directly onto her father's head (Uncle Raymond).

A little mischief at Lundu...

Uncle Ah Gu, Uncle Ah Choon, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Raymond, Aunty Dora, Aunty Bernadette and my dad were downstairs and barbecuing corn and pork. Then Ah Bee and I were very bored. Then, Ah Bee too the initiative of trying to trickle water down from the balcony floor and onto the spot where they were all at barbecuing. And Ah Bee hit bullseye when...hahaha, the water she was trickling, trickled directly onto her father's head (Uncle Raymond).
Fairly odd and disturbed people...
There was this group of bumiputeras at Lundu who were extremely lecherous and annoying. The girls wore light-coloured tops with black bras underneath. Well, clearly as you know, when you get wet, basically, it's like you are wearing a transparent top. As for the guys, they were extremely freaky I tell you. They kept following Ah Bee and I around. At first we ignored that but later, we started to notice they kept purposely throwing their beach ball over and moving closer and closer to us. They did that yesterday and today as well. As for today, they were complete idiots. Ah Bee, Loren and I went with Aunty Bernadette to collect shells during the low tide and Ah Bee and I found a large jellyfish and it was dead. Any plain human being with a fair share of common sense would know well not to touch a jellyfish as it has stinging tentacles but oh no, those bumiputeras went to stroke it and pet it as if it was a dog or something. Then, one of them dumped his shirt and car keys on my Body Glove slipper. How dare he! When I reached there, I grabbed the shirt and car keys and flung them away onto the sand. I didn't even bother to look at where I was throwing them. Ah Bee and I were so irritated by them.
There was this group of bumiputeras at Lundu who were extremely lecherous and annoying. The girls wore light-coloured tops with black bras underneath. Well, clearly as you know, when you get wet, basically, it's like you are wearing a transparent top. As for the guys, they were extremely freaky I tell you. They kept following Ah Bee and I around. At first we ignored that but later, we started to notice they kept purposely throwing their beach ball over and moving closer and closer to us. They did that yesterday and today as well. As for today, they were complete idiots. Ah Bee, Loren and I went with Aunty Bernadette to collect shells during the low tide and Ah Bee and I found a large jellyfish and it was dead. Any plain human being with a fair share of common sense would know well not to touch a jellyfish as it has stinging tentacles but oh no, those bumiputeras went to stroke it and pet it as if it was a dog or something. Then, one of them dumped his shirt and car keys on my Body Glove slipper. How dare he! When I reached there, I grabbed the shirt and car keys and flung them away onto the sand. I didn't even bother to look at where I was throwing them. Ah Bee and I were so irritated by them.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Little laughables

Hahaha! I had such a laugh just now when Rhe told me about the weird question that Jessie popped up this morning when they were in church and there was a wedding going on. Rhe was Jessie's first victim to be asked that question if Rhe wanted to get married today. After that, according to Rhe, Jessie moved on to her second victim, which, was Abigail. Chai and I were laughing because the question asked sounded like Jessie was proposing to Rhe, asking her to get married today. Then, I was teasing Rhe. I told her, "how can you be so cruel to Teh! How can you steal Jessie from him!"
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
*gasp* Who knew that Puan Belinda could bellydance! Hahaha. I did not go for the bellydancing programme in school this morning but Rhe attended it. She told me that Puan Belinda could bellydance and was pretty good at it. When she first told me that. A mental image of Puan Belinda all fancily clad in those sparkly Arabian bellydancers costumes flashed through my head. I happen to have a very graphic mind... which, at certain times, does not come in very handy.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
*gasp* Who knew that Puan Belinda could bellydance! Hahaha. I did not go for the bellydancing programme in school this morning but Rhe attended it. She told me that Puan Belinda could bellydance and was pretty good at it. When she first told me that. A mental image of Puan Belinda all fancily clad in those sparkly Arabian bellydancers costumes flashed through my head. I happen to have a very graphic mind... which, at certain times, does not come in very handy.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
Fascinating small stories, one heck of a good laugh...
Rhe told me several extremely hilarious tales and please note that they are non-fictional. Let me jote them down in point form as I don't intend on going into the deep, dark details.
- 'Hannah' from my class wore short tights during the dancing session in school. Rhe, Claire, Chong and Amy noticed very vividly obvious and graphic panty-lines that indicated a g-string was worn. In Rhe and my terms of description, obscenity. Well, several of us prefects have already seen this obscenity being displayed during another skin-tight skirt display during our 2005 prefects' dinner. I don't find this much of a laugh as I have already laughed about it last year.
(laughable indicator: 7/10) - Rhe's sister actually cut her hair just because 'Bobo' touched it. Jilly suggested bleach but in my oppinion, bleach only turns hair blonde. There's more to the story actually but I don't think it is necessary to go into the teensie weensie details. (this was the best story so far and I laughed over it.)
(laughable indicator: 10/10) - 'Kylie' from one of the Form3 classes is quitting school to get married with some 21-year-old contractor and no, I am not pulling your leg or yanking at your feet this time. Personally, I don't think a laughable indicator fits this story since I would only give it a 3/10, so here goes with a shockable indicator...and I don't get shocked too easily too so this won't get a very high rating from me.
(shockable indicator: 4/10) - Stephanie asked Rhe if I was in a relationship with some Form4 boy St. Thomas, whose name I shall not disclose, because she heard people talking about it. Rhe pulled my leg by tricking me that she replied Stephanie with a, "yes. So long ago already." But actually and of course, she did not say that. I had a good laugh over that one.
(laughable indicator: 10/10)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Chelsea won!!! I told Jason and Teh that would happen but both refused to believe so. Both claimed Barcelona would win. The match was at 2.45am (MT) this morning. Eitherway, I won and I won a bet with Jas as well. Maybe I ought to have bet with Teh too.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
UNIMAS, a prefect & the Looking Glass

Rhe reading Host Club (2) in the bus on the way to UNIMAS...
Another field trip...
We had a field trip to UNIMAS today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but it was seriously dry and blazing hot over at the campus. Not only that, it was seriously a bore to just tour around the library. Before that, we had some talk about the courses and faculties offered at UNIMAS. As usual, I did not pay attention, I was busy reading one of Liza's Archie comics. Rhe was too engorged in reading her newest and latest Host Club (2) comic book that Esther helped her purchase from Kinokunya in Kuala Lumpur. She read it all the way starting from assembly this morning until our return bus trip from UNIMAS to St. Teresa. And observe the way she reads! She opens the book barely wider than two fingers!!! Speaking of this morning's assembly and comic books, there was this really irritating prefect who came up to Rhe and I. Here's what that happened...
The most cocky prefect ever...
I was reading an Archie comic book, happened to look upwards and saw this blurr of brown. Deciding to regard it as nothing, I looked back down and carried on reading. Then this brown blurr turned out to be a prefect named 'Jean' squatted down next to me. Bearing this really arrogant and know-it-all look on her face, she gave me this really cocky quirk and drawled, "I stand here, you still dare to read ah?".
I looked up at her, faked an all-innocent school girl's look and piped up, "what?".
She gave me that look of hers again and lazily drawled once more, "you are not scared that I will 'rampas' is it? You want to keep the book or you want me to 'rampas' it?".
I mentally rolled my eyes, thinking that she was one extra-ordinarily nosy and cocky prefect and retaliated, "actually, I would prefer it if Esther kept it." Well, for you readers' information, the book happened to belong to Elizabeth but it was in Esther's possessions for the moment as she borrowed it. If it was my own book, I would have risked the chance of it getting confisticated by retaliating against 'Jean' rather than being spoken to with that arrogant tone of hers'.
Esther, who was sitting behind me, gave a loud laugh.
She gave me another of her looks without saying anything and moved on the Rhema, whom, at the moment, happened to be reading Host Club (2). She pasted on a really sarcastic smile and once again, drawled lazily, going "and Rhema, would you like me to 'rampas' that too?".
Rhema, with a very irritated look, went "oh, no thanks" and shut her comic book.
Annabelle, whom happened to be in the next class line, jokingly said in Hokkien dialect, "mien ah neh strict eh la!". (Don't have to be so strict.) Michelle Loo, whom was behind Anabelle, laughed.
'Jean' gave a short and really sarcastic laugh before shortly saying, "they are students too."
Then, 'Jean' left Rhema, Esther and I , and scurried over to some 3A2 students. There, she started her nosiness once more. Basically, she was the only prefect who was shifting around from one place to another during assembly time. If we were to follow the rules, prefects weren't allowed to shift from one place to another during assembly time. Though, they are allowed to tell off the students around them only. Not like this prefect! Shifting from east to west and north to south! As for 'Jean', it was like she thinks she's the Head Prefect or something. Even the Head Prefect did not shift all around all four corners! Hey, if you were a prefect and you can speak decently, politely and nicely, who wouldn't mind to nicely shut their comic books without uttering a single word! It's no surprise why majority of the students have this strong dislike for certain prefects. Even more unsurprising that some prefects can get boo-ed when they set a foot on stage.
We had a field trip to UNIMAS today. Not that I'm complaining or anything but it was seriously dry and blazing hot over at the campus. Not only that, it was seriously a bore to just tour around the library. Before that, we had some talk about the courses and faculties offered at UNIMAS. As usual, I did not pay attention, I was busy reading one of Liza's Archie comics. Rhe was too engorged in reading her newest and latest Host Club (2) comic book that Esther helped her purchase from Kinokunya in Kuala Lumpur. She read it all the way starting from assembly this morning until our return bus trip from UNIMAS to St. Teresa. And observe the way she reads! She opens the book barely wider than two fingers!!! Speaking of this morning's assembly and comic books, there was this really irritating prefect who came up to Rhe and I. Here's what that happened...
The most cocky prefect ever...
I was reading an Archie comic book, happened to look upwards and saw this blurr of brown. Deciding to regard it as nothing, I looked back down and carried on reading. Then this brown blurr turned out to be a prefect named 'Jean' squatted down next to me. Bearing this really arrogant and know-it-all look on her face, she gave me this really cocky quirk and drawled, "I stand here, you still dare to read ah?".
I looked up at her, faked an all-innocent school girl's look and piped up, "what?".
She gave me that look of hers again and lazily drawled once more, "you are not scared that I will 'rampas' is it? You want to keep the book or you want me to 'rampas' it?".
I mentally rolled my eyes, thinking that she was one extra-ordinarily nosy and cocky prefect and retaliated, "actually, I would prefer it if Esther kept it." Well, for you readers' information, the book happened to belong to Elizabeth but it was in Esther's possessions for the moment as she borrowed it. If it was my own book, I would have risked the chance of it getting confisticated by retaliating against 'Jean' rather than being spoken to with that arrogant tone of hers'.
Esther, who was sitting behind me, gave a loud laugh.
She gave me another of her looks without saying anything and moved on the Rhema, whom, at the moment, happened to be reading Host Club (2). She pasted on a really sarcastic smile and once again, drawled lazily, going "and Rhema, would you like me to 'rampas' that too?".
Rhema, with a very irritated look, went "oh, no thanks" and shut her comic book.
Annabelle, whom happened to be in the next class line, jokingly said in Hokkien dialect, "mien ah neh strict eh la!". (Don't have to be so strict.) Michelle Loo, whom was behind Anabelle, laughed.
'Jean' gave a short and really sarcastic laugh before shortly saying, "they are students too."
Then, 'Jean' left Rhema, Esther and I , and scurried over to some 3A2 students. There, she started her nosiness once more. Basically, she was the only prefect who was shifting around from one place to another during assembly time. If we were to follow the rules, prefects weren't allowed to shift from one place to another during assembly time. Though, they are allowed to tell off the students around them only. Not like this prefect! Shifting from east to west and north to south! As for 'Jean', it was like she thinks she's the Head Prefect or something. Even the Head Prefect did not shift all around all four corners! Hey, if you were a prefect and you can speak decently, politely and nicely, who wouldn't mind to nicely shut their comic books without uttering a single word! It's no surprise why majority of the students have this strong dislike for certain prefects. Even more unsurprising that some prefects can get boo-ed when they set a foot on stage.
A snapshot of this year's Looking Glass cover...
A very strange occurance in The Looking Glass 2006...
Man, Christine like asked me if I could do her a favor and the favor was to convice Stefan that she had a boyfriend. So, first I was like, "is Jason Chen okay with you?" and she was like "NO!". So, I asked the next name that popped up in my head, "Danny Wong?" and Christine agreed. So, off I was, telling Stefan that Christine and Danny had been together for 4 months and all sorts of other stuff. Honestly, if Danny discovered his name was used, I can't picture what would come out of his mouth. Then next, Stefan was blackmailing (in a good way) to tell Hilary, Gavin and whoever else that he knew.
I won! Jas lost!
Remember the deal I made with Jason over his History marks? If he got the highest, I could 'chia' him pie at Coffee Bean and muahahahaha, he lost! He got 82 and the highest is 86. That like 52 marks more than his so call 'Gab, I failed History' marks. I shall see my mood if I am to 'chia' him anything or not. I got mood swings you know...hahaha!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
President Gab declares it a non-school day today
Ahhh... it's certainly a luxury to sleep until 8.30am instead of waking up at the usual 5.30am to get ready to go to school. I self-declared it a non-schoolday today and went for a nice bowl of laksa this morning. Well, I'm not the only one who didn't attend those boring talks in school today. Christine, Chong, Ashley, Val and Isab all skipped school today as well. Our school authority had threatened us that they would call our parents up to check if we were really sick or if we had good reasons not to be in school. Well, I don't recall anyone from the school authority calling my parents up to enquire if I was really sick or something. They also threatened that if we don't show up, our names will be striked off the Form4 enrollment list for next year. It's not like there aren't any other schools in Kuching. There's always Kuching High School, Kuching Town School, Green Road School and St. Mary School to attend to. Chong was saying that Kuching High's non-Chinese classes are all packed with Malays and she was certainly not setting a foot into St. Mary's. If they really strike our names off the enrollment, St. Teresa's Form4 students would be like really, really few. Last week on Friday, only 17 students from my class turned up.
Punk'd again...
Sheesh...Jason's really a pest! The score's like Jason-3, Gab-0. First, he pulled this prank on me that Christine called him. Second, he told me that he failed his History. Then that night, I pranked him that I was offered the ASEAN Scholarship to Singapore. I never did any research so I told him I was going to ACS High (as that was the only boarding school I knew of.) and it turns out that ACS High is a sports school for boys but I told Jason that ACS High is All Catholic Singapore High for girls. Actually, ACS High stood for Ango-Chinese Singapore High. I told him that I was leaving on the 23rd of November. Okay...whether he believed that one or not, that's a different story. Then, he pranked me that he was really, really mad about me pulling the Singapore prank on him. He even asked Teh to sms me and ask 'why is Jason so moody today?' Sheesh... and I really fell for that one! Now, there's a deal that there's no more pranking on each other.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Fooled not once but twice!!!

I got punk'd (in Jason's terms) again!!! This is like the second time he pulled one of his too-free-until-nothing-to-do pranks. This time he was telling me that he failed History and his mum banned him from going online until the next exam. He also told me how so many people got 80+ while he only got 30+ for History. I was pretty doubious about that at first after the last prank he pulled on me about Christine calling him up. After lots of extremely convincing acts from him, I started giving the "it's okay" speech. Then, he was saying about he was not in the mood and was going to go sleep, so he went offline (appeared offline actually). Then, I receieved a testimonial that said "GOTCHA!!!". Hmphf! Hate to admit it, I'm great at pulling pranks but he's starting to improve.
Aced my History with an A!
A day in St. Joseph Secondary...
After our St. Teresa Feast Day mass, we were all told by Puan Euphrasia to go over to St. Joseph's William Tan Auditorium for our Post-PMR programme. Most of us were like thinking, whatever for go St. Joseph's... It was extremely boring there. The first talk was about sexual harrassment or was it sexual rights? I have like no idea. I didn't even pay attention. The second talk was about sexual development... I think again. I was busy eating Skittles. Speaking of Skittles, because when I poured out some Skittles for Rhe, alot of powdered sugar went onto her palm. A big pile of it in fact. So, Rhe dumped the powdered sugar into a piece of paper, folded it up and chucked it to the row of empty seats behind us. Later, this group of 3A7 girls sat down there and when they saw the folded piece of paper, they got really hyped. They thought that somebody had left their love letter there. So, they opened it up and powdered sugar gushed all over them. Obviously, they ran off like mad people to the toilet. Hahahaha! Then later, we were shown these graphic images of abortion. Then, the best part came, we were shown a video of a Caesarian Section being done. That was sooo freaking awesome! I know it sounds disgusting but it's really nothing honestly. Well, alot of people were screaming in horror but I honestly found the videoclip pretty cool. It was like they cut through layers of tissues, fats and muscles until they reached the uterus which, looked like a pink balloon. Then, they used to scapel to make a small hole and then they widened the hole using their fingers. That was when all the amniotic fluid started sprouting out like a fountain. Then, they pulled the foetus out. I tell you, that was the coolest videoclip ever shown in any talk.
I got an A for History!!!
Yes!!! Score!!! Woohoo!!! Those answers for Sejarah on were a scam! The answers given by St. Joseph Seconday school were not quite right either. Our St. Teresa answers are correct based on the textbook and were scanned through by Rhe's mum, a Form 5 History teacher. And score!!! I got an 87%!!! I knew a 78% was like out of the league for me just as Jas had said. So was it a miracle or was it just his mouth or was it PURE FACTS? And if they were to raise the standards up to 85% like SOMEBODY claims they would, 87% still plays safe above the grid. Utter crap...85% is an A...
After our St. Teresa Feast Day mass, we were all told by Puan Euphrasia to go over to St. Joseph's William Tan Auditorium for our Post-PMR programme. Most of us were like thinking, whatever for go St. Joseph's... It was extremely boring there. The first talk was about sexual harrassment or was it sexual rights? I have like no idea. I didn't even pay attention. The second talk was about sexual development... I think again. I was busy eating Skittles. Speaking of Skittles, because when I poured out some Skittles for Rhe, alot of powdered sugar went onto her palm. A big pile of it in fact. So, Rhe dumped the powdered sugar into a piece of paper, folded it up and chucked it to the row of empty seats behind us. Later, this group of 3A7 girls sat down there and when they saw the folded piece of paper, they got really hyped. They thought that somebody had left their love letter there. So, they opened it up and powdered sugar gushed all over them. Obviously, they ran off like mad people to the toilet. Hahahaha! Then later, we were shown these graphic images of abortion. Then, the best part came, we were shown a video of a Caesarian Section being done. That was sooo freaking awesome! I know it sounds disgusting but it's really nothing honestly. Well, alot of people were screaming in horror but I honestly found the videoclip pretty cool. It was like they cut through layers of tissues, fats and muscles until they reached the uterus which, looked like a pink balloon. Then, they used to scapel to make a small hole and then they widened the hole using their fingers. That was when all the amniotic fluid started sprouting out like a fountain. Then, they pulled the foetus out. I tell you, that was the coolest videoclip ever shown in any talk.
I got an A for History!!!
Yes!!! Score!!! Woohoo!!! Those answers for Sejarah on were a scam! The answers given by St. Joseph Seconday school were not quite right either. Our St. Teresa answers are correct based on the textbook and were scanned through by Rhe's mum, a Form 5 History teacher. And score!!! I got an 87%!!! I knew a 78% was like out of the league for me just as Jas had said. So was it a miracle or was it just his mouth or was it PURE FACTS? And if they were to raise the standards up to 85% like SOMEBODY claims they would, 87% still plays safe above the grid. Utter crap...85% is an A...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
INTI College field trip

Before we left to INTI...
Today the entire Form 3 was to go for a field trip. 3A1, 3A2 and 3A3 had their field trip at INTI College. My class, 3A1, got ourselves an air-conditioned bus. Before the trip, my water bottle failed me and water gushed out of my bag like some sort of fountain. You know what came in handy to mop up all the water in my bag? The thick stack of Post-PMR schedules given by the school to me. Recycle and reuse, that's what I call it.
At INTI...
First thing we did there was listen to some talk at the lecture room. It was extremely boring. First, we were told to fill some sort of comment form. Rhe dared me to write other people's phone number and email address and tick that I would like a response from INTI College. Therefore, INTI College would be calling up that person's house. I dared Rhe to write a different name and somebody else's email instead and tick that she would like a response. Then later, Rhe and I took the brochures from our tables and started folding them until they look so scrunched up. Then, we moved on to listening to Jay Chou's latest songs on my MP3 while reading comics. I was reading one of Rhe's Archie comic books while Rhe read one of Liza's Japanese manga comics. And hah, the Japanese manga comic book was a photocopied version and it cost Rm7.50 and you should take a look at how Rhe reads the book! Ever so carefully without opening the book any wider than half an inch!!! I would have opened at least 3 to 4 inches. Then, we toured around INTI college. Pretty boring. Then, we were given free lunch at the cafeteria. It was fried rice, chicken curry, cabbages and orange juice. Most of us ended up buying ourselves ice cream after that.
Back at school after the trip...
We all started going crazy with my camera once we were in the bus. Once we (Christine, Isabella, Ashley, Valerie, Melissa, Wendy, Natalie and I) were in the school hall, we took more photos and then we started to make this video on how we were all gangsters and we were bullying Christine because when she walked, she had accidentally knocked into us. It was really funny. It ended up that Christine (the one being bullied) started smacking me (the gangster) nonstop. I think we did like 3-5 frames. Natalie was the one who videod us all. Then later at the carpark, we did this documentary on how Danny walks. Unfortunately, our documentary only had one frame, we're planning on doing more frames next week during our trip to UNIMAS.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Winners Make Sacrifices

First experience tasting vegeterian kolo mee...
Rhe and I went over to Christine's house to watch She's The Man starring Amanda Bynes yesterday afternoon. She's The Man is a must-watch. It was hillarious and if you adore those Walt Disney chick flicks, you would definitely adore this one. We had nothing better to do after watching the movie, so we played a couple of strange card games that Rhema introduced. Then later, we went for dinner with Christine's family at this corner coffee shop at King Centre. There, Rhe and I had the opportunity to taste what vegeterian kolo mee tastes like. And the only two factos that makes a bowl of kolo mee labeled as vegeterian is for it to have lots of beancurd and fake pork to replace the char-seor. Then at night, there was a black-out in BDC and strangely Everise wasn't even using a generator! It was pitch black there. After the power supply came back on, I downloaded some Chinese love songs and went to watch Ice Princess. There's one quote from there that I really like, which is, "Winners make sacrifices." Oh, I completely forgot... I am skipping school tomorrow as all we have are those boring talks. I spent my time yesterday during the talks, reading Archie comic books and laughing over some stuff with Rhe.
3 monkeys, a wizard and a BURP...
Yeah, that's what Jas gives on my birthday using DHL (Delivery Halfway Lost) that miraculously did not get lost on the way into my mailbox. Three monkeys which look exactly like him and then there's some wizard that tells me I am young at heart but getting older at every other part and then a BURP, a loud and disgusting one too.
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