Cute? Adorable? So not something I would use to describe Jas the dog. I saw a picture that positively changed my whole life. It was one picture that turned my life around with laughter. It was a once in a life time opportunity to view a picture like that! All thanks to kind Jas' cousin, Wei Ying. This was how the conversation went...
Wei Ying: I got to go now. Eh, newez, I show you something. Tell me cute or not.
Gab : (stares at Wei Ying's display picture which, was a white dog) No ah, so UGLY!!! Joking...joking...very cute.
Then, her display picture changed into a picture of Jas taking a shower in the middle of the garden under the hot sun and under the garden tap. Well, with track pants on lah. I started to laugh and laugh nonstop when I saw it. "Very cute, Wei Ying. Very cute." I told her. Then, Wei Ying sent me the picture and now it's stashed somewhere in my computer. It was positively one hilarious photo. It was so Jas to do something like that. No wonder I called him a dog and he acts pretty much like one! Wait till Jas pops online, I shall go blackmail him on writing me testimonials or I shall post it on Friendster! Well, but sadly, I'm not that mean to go to that. When my cousin, Theo saw that picture, she started to laugh her head off as well. She was like, "what the heck is Jason doing!"

Samantha and I ended up not going for the IMH concert at Sarawak Tourism Centre because of some particular reason. Sam was thinking of a couple of crappy excuses during theory class today for people to tell their piano teachers for not going to the concert. One of them was, "sorry teacher, I got stuck on the road on my way to the concert because of Kuching Fest." Ya, sure Sam. You think any teacher is 'smart' enough to buy that? Stuck on the road due to Kuching Fest for 3 hours? Great idea Sam...great idea...
Dear old Chen Kai...
Wonder how is Chen doing for UPSR now. Wonder if she prepared enough or so. Saw Chen on the road on Friday morning. My aunt, Aunty Roselyn was driving and she honked when she saw us drive past. At first, my mum was like "who is that crazy person honking like that!" Then, I turned around and saw my 12-year-old crappy cousin, Chen in the backseat, waving like mad at me. I only recalled that Chen has UPSR this year when Theo asked me how was Chen Kai doing for UPSR. Actually Chen or Chen Kai's real name is Stella but since she's like all skin and bones, Theo, Ben, Zach, Edrea and I started calling her Chen Kai and I shortened it to Chen. In chinese, Chen Kai means some sort of skinny chicken.
The Devil 100% Doesn't Carry PRADA!!!
School tomorrow means getting back some more of my marks. My BM, BI and Science. Bet they are all revealed tomorrow. So far, I got a 94 for Mathematics, 90 for History, 92 for Geography and 82 for KH. Speaking of KH! The bloody teacher set the paper like out of our syllabus. Since when did we learn on how many kilojoules an active child must take for KH Pilihan 1?? The teacher told us that she knew it was not in the syllabus but she just put it into the testpaper. Hey, come on! If it's not in, don't put it! It's not going to pop up for PMR if its not part of our syllabus. She's positively on my list of most-hated-teachers and she doesn't wear Prada! She carries this ugly pink and white vinyl bag. The day she carries a Prada bag, the sun shall rise from the west. They said you had to like the teacher to like the subject but honestly, how could anyone like a teacher like that? This term, 3/4 of the class got B's and C's and only a handful got A for KH. Picture that, 3A1, the best Form3 class of St. Teresa getting such results. How could anyone even picture 3a2 or 3a3's results or what more to say 3a7?! Like I said, the devil 100% doesn't carry Prada but perhaps, she might need a personal fashion advisor and a personal hairstylist. There's work to be done on that fashion sense of hers and that perm of hers.
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