Sometimes you just thing everything is going your way when suddenly, out of the blues, a bombshell crashes down on you and you're expected to catch that bombshell before it explodes. This has been one really meaningless week honestly speaking. Actually it started off on last Thursday when things started going into the dump. First, I received really bad news and that left me sleepless for approximately two nights. I managed to handle that pretty well and things turned out just fine. After that, things gradually got better and I was actually happier. Then, today, another bombshell just crashed on me again. I've never felt this way before. All my life, I had never complained about my life but lately, it just seemed so meaningless. Sometimes, I just wonder what's down at the other end of the road for me. What is it that God has it all planned for me? I know I just have to drag my feet down that road and then, I'll see what's at the end of it. Sometimes, it just seems all so meaningless, like it just wasn't worth my effort but hopefully, by the end of the day, it will all come clear that it was all worth the effort.
Is it fate?
*laughs out loud* I used my mum's handphone to sms Jessie yesterday afternoon to ask her if she was going to Jason's house this Saturday for the BBQ and she replied that she wasn't going. Let me do a little bit of explanation here. On Monday afternoon, I received an sms from Teh asking me to go for some BBQ at Jas' house this Saturday night. Well...I, being in a state of blurrness at that hour, misinterpretted the sms as asking me to play BB (basketball) at night. So, I was like...what on earth?? So I just cooked up an excuse that I had a dinner to attend to. Then, that night, I told Jas about the strange sms I got and Jas was laughing at me, saying didn't I see the Q behind the BB? I wouldn't mind going actually but it seems like I wouldn't be able to go for their BBQ because I have like piles of activities that Saturday from 7.00am until 5.00pm. I would be exhausted by 7.00pm that night. So back to Jessie... So the next day, at night, she sent an sms to my mum's handphone saying, "you use 019 and Teh also use 019. This must be fate---blablabla---" That time, I was already asleep. So, my mum replied her and Jessie was like appologizing. The next day, my mum told me that I had a crazy friend who sms-ed crazy stuff and my mum was laughing about it saying, "so if everyone used 019, everyone has fate with each other is it??".
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