I was so freaking lucky last night! I woke up this morning, with the urge to go to the Planet Shakers concert but I didn't have a ticket and then, fifteen minutes later, I got this call from Mildred. She offered to sell me her ticket! Oh my gosh! I was like jumping up and down with joy. So I got dressed later that evening and met Caroline, Josephine and Sui Hui at that church building behind Colours. We joined Liza and Sarah at the concert. Danny gave me a shock at the carpark! Stupid boy! He just came up and put his face in front of mine and stared to see if I was the right person and then walked away! I was like in shock, wondering who the heck was that! Then, I saw Jason standing there with a few of his friends and I was like....cheyy! Caroline, Jo, Sui Hui, Liza and I jumped queue. Hahaha. Jason claims, only 'smart' people line up. Then later when the concert started, my friends were like dragging me to the middle and insisted on taking the spot behind Jason, Danny, they all. Once we all had to sit down, I tell you, Jas is obese. Once he sat down, I had to like give way and I believe my leg ached from that! Then later, the biggest shock of all, out of 3000 people, I won an autographed CD! Hahahaha! Lucky me. Lol. Okay, that's all for today. Tataz.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Planet Shakers
I was so freaking lucky last night! I woke up this morning, with the urge to go to the Planet Shakers concert but I didn't have a ticket and then, fifteen minutes later, I got this call from Mildred. She offered to sell me her ticket! Oh my gosh! I was like jumping up and down with joy. So I got dressed later that evening and met Caroline, Josephine and Sui Hui at that church building behind Colours. We joined Liza and Sarah at the concert. Danny gave me a shock at the carpark! Stupid boy! He just came up and put his face in front of mine and stared to see if I was the right person and then walked away! I was like in shock, wondering who the heck was that! Then, I saw Jason standing there with a few of his friends and I was like....cheyy! Caroline, Jo, Sui Hui, Liza and I jumped queue. Hahaha. Jason claims, only 'smart' people line up. Then later when the concert started, my friends were like dragging me to the middle and insisted on taking the spot behind Jason, Danny, they all. Once we all had to sit down, I tell you, Jas is obese. Once he sat down, I had to like give way and I believe my leg ached from that! Then later, the biggest shock of all, out of 3000 people, I won an autographed CD! Hahahaha! Lucky me. Lol. Okay, that's all for today. Tataz.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My Life
Like a timeline it moves,
This life of mine,
Ever so slowly,
From day to day,
I counted every single second,
I wondered what lay,
For me at the end of the road.
I could see an army on a hilltop,
Would I be the one,
Who commanded the troop?
My every word being followed,
Or would I be one of them,
Who stood in the troop,
Carrying out orders given?
I could see the one that I loved,
Standing right before my eyes,
Somebody that I cared for,
If I were to hold out a hand,
And reach out for him,
Would I be left out in the cold?
Or would my hand be taken?
I could see those,
Whom had been there for me,
Throughout all these years,
But just how many I wonder,
Were true to me,
And would still be there for me,
Despite all the toils and turns?
If I were to just sit here,
Remark blankly on my life,
Nothing would change,
My actions are stronger than my words,
It would take great effort,
But some things in life,
Are just worth fighting for.
Gabrielle Jee (29/8/2006) & copyrighted
Life is just so meaningless sometimes...
Sometimes you just thing everything is going your way when suddenly, out of the blues, a bombshell crashes down on you and you're expected to catch that bombshell before it explodes. This has been one really meaningless week honestly speaking. Actually it started off on last Thursday when things started going into the dump. First, I received really bad news and that left me sleepless for approximately two nights. I managed to handle that pretty well and things turned out just fine. After that, things gradually got better and I was actually happier. Then, today, another bombshell just crashed on me again. I've never felt this way before. All my life, I had never complained about my life but lately, it just seemed so meaningless. Sometimes, I just wonder what's down at the other end of the road for me. What is it that God has it all planned for me? I know I just have to drag my feet down that road and then, I'll see what's at the end of it. Sometimes, it just seems all so meaningless, like it just wasn't worth my effort but hopefully, by the end of the day, it will all come clear that it was all worth the effort.
Is it fate?
*laughs out loud* I used my mum's handphone to sms Jessie yesterday afternoon to ask her if she was going to Jason's house this Saturday for the BBQ and she replied that she wasn't going. Let me do a little bit of explanation here. On Monday afternoon, I received an sms from Teh asking me to go for some BBQ at Jas' house this Saturday night. Well...I, being in a state of blurrness at that hour, misinterpretted the sms as asking me to play BB (basketball) at night. So, I was like...what on earth?? So I just cooked up an excuse that I had a dinner to attend to. Then, that night, I told Jas about the strange sms I got and Jas was laughing at me, saying didn't I see the Q behind the BB? I wouldn't mind going actually but it seems like I wouldn't be able to go for their BBQ because I have like piles of activities that Saturday from 7.00am until 5.00pm. I would be exhausted by 7.00pm that night. So back to Jessie... So the next day, at night, she sent an sms to my mum's handphone saying, "you use 019 and Teh also use 019. This must be fate---blablabla---" That time, I was already asleep. So, my mum replied her and Jessie was like appologizing. The next day, my mum told me that I had a crazy friend who sms-ed crazy stuff and my mum was laughing about it saying, "so if everyone used 019, everyone has fate with each other is it??".
Monday, August 28, 2006
No school and 'darurat 2006'
When my mum pulled up towards St. Jude area, I was like...wow...all those millitary and police forces lined up with guns, trucks and whatsoever they had and those students involved in the Merdeka Day celebration sitting on the roads, the place was literally packed and it looked like Darurat struck Kuching. Even Michelle said so. When I walked up to school, the compound was clear of students in school uniform, the school classrooms were empty and the school hallways were dark. I started to wonder if I had missed out some notice about no school for today. Those poor participants, either rain or shine on the 31st of August, they still have to be in the field.
I woke up for nothing...
Or something like that. I can't believe I woke up at 5.30am just to go to school and yet, my PKHem told my mum that she could bring me home! My mum sent me to school this morning and there were road blocks literally everywhere at Batu Lintang area onwards. Well, they allowed my mum to pass through though. Michelle had to walk all the way down from the Club and so did Rhe, I saw Rhe walking as I was on my way home. Then, several minutes later after I entered class and sat down, my mum came, telling me that St. Joseph had just officially declared that they didn't have any school today and that St. Teresa wasn't so sure. St. Teresa was kinda in a mess this morning, students running about, wondering if there was school today. So, really...I just can't believe I woke up for nothing...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
-Hands Free
-Fits On Either Right or Left Ear
-Flexible Boom Microphone
-Swivel Ear Technology
This caught my eye at the Sony Retail Shop this morning...(yeah, I know it's PINK...)
And now, it's on my target list.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Talenteen Star Search 2006!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sob...the trip to Damai was sooooo short! Only a one night stay because my dad had to come back down to Kuching because he was going to give some course on Wednesday. Uncle Matthew, Aunty Susan and Zach came with us for a day trip on Monday then they went back down on Tuesday. Before I went up to Damai, I had my Grade 6 Theory exam at Chung Hua No3 and oh gosh! It was freaking hard! I hope I pass it... Okay, back to my vacation at Damai story on what I did there that was interesting.
1. Swimming------ That was the first thing I did when I arrived at Damai Lagoon. I went swimming with my sister on Monday afternoon and with my dad on Monday evening. I went swimming again on Tuesday morning with my dad.
2. Tennis---------- Tennis is fun and interesting but real hard to learn how to play or master it. Okay, I can serve, often out of court but not over the fence sort of out of court. I can probably hit 3 out of 10 balls that fly at my direction. There was twice when I played at Damai Lagoon, when the ball I hit flew over the fence and I had to go out of the court and around it to pick up the ball! Fact is that I stink at tennis but I'm still determined to go for proper tennis coaching after PMR!
3. Rentap Lounge-- I went there with my dad and my sis on Monday night. My mum wasn't interested in coming along, she rather stayed cooped up in the chalet. My dad karaoke-ed and Julie's family was there too. Her mum, dad, older brother and twin brother karaoke-ed and so did a few other people. Some who sang to kill or rupture your ear drums. After that, my dad, my sis and I played pool. My dad taught me how to play pool. I actually managed to get two balls in! Muahahaha, a big achievement for a first timer like me. My dad is actually a good pool player, that was the first time I had seen him playing pool. We left Rentap around 12.00am.
4. The beach------- My dad and I were swimming and then these two boys around 16-17 came up to us and one of them asked my dad if he could borrow my dad's goggles to search for his goggles because it fell into the water. Eventually, he borrowed my goggles and my dad helped him to search for his goggles. Well, my dad found it eventually. End of story.
5. Camp Permai---- My dad, my sis, Uncle Matthew, Aunty Susan, Zach and I took a walk up to Camp Permai from Damai. Nothing special at Camp Permai, it's close to being rundown. It looks nothing like chalets but rather like big brick and wood shacks.
6. Cafe-------------- They gave my dad two coupons for some free drinks there so I followed my dad there after our walk to Camp Permai. Oh gosh, the drink is freaking sweet! It's some fruit punch and it's like sugary fruity concentrated syrup. Basically, I think every single drink in Damai is super sugary and sweet. Even the iced lemon tea at Rentap was extremely sweet and had this syrupy concentrated texture.
7. Chalet------------- My dad originally booked the Rm100+ per night Panisular Room but eventually, they upgraded our room to the Rm200+ per night chalet. I prefer the chalet more than the Panisular Room.
I came home today and the first thing I did was to check the ID caller and I saw that Jason had called around 6.00pm on Monday. So I was thinking, what was so important until he had to call. So, okay, I picked up the phone and returned his call. That boy, hah, very smart, his reason to call was due to money talk. He was trying to sell some Salvation Army charity ticket for Rm10 and was insisting that Rm10 was real cheap. Then he claims he learnt how call people just to money talk from me. Which, is technically true because I only call Jas to money talk as well. Muahahahahaz.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
US Open 2006 Grand Slam

Yes! The US Open is just in one week's time! I'm going to go check the schedule this Tuesday (August 22nd) to see who would be playing against who on the 28th of August. The pre-match already started couple of days or was it weeks ago, not very sure about that.
The nutty shopkeeper at the Sarawak Plaza watch shop tried to talk me into buying this nice Maria Sharapova Tag Heuer watch which, wasn't exactly a couple hundred ringgit but a couple thousand ringgit. Why did pretty things had to be so expensive...sigh...
For more details on Maria's Tag, check out:
Prefects Dinner...
Prefects Dinner was on the 18th of August at Harbour View. Originally, it was supposed to be at Sarawak Club but then due to the club being toasted, they moved it to a 3 star hotel instead. The food was hmm...pretty okay. The most interesting dish was belacan fish fillet. We had 8 Treasure soup, sweet and sour chicken, ikan bilis fried rice, lamb chop, baby kailan, belacan fish fillet and chinese pan cake. There were presentations on the incoming council members, exchange of gifts between the outgoing and incoming council members and some performances. Footloose was at 10.30pm. The theme of the night was Miss World and I was ahem, Miss Russia. Only 5 of we Form3 prefects turned up out of 8 prefects. Here's one of the pictures that I took with my Cannon Digital Ixus 60 camera....
Saturday, August 19, 2006
I accepted a bet he offered on our exam results. If I beat him, he would write for me 20 testimonials, each 1000 words and praising. Vice versa if he won. Sounds terrific eh? Well, so not if you discovered that you got SECOND and he got FIRST. My fingertips are figuratively bleeding from typing all those praises. Therefore, never ever accept bets from Jason for, he can somehow win them all. Like our FIFA World Cup bet...end up, it was a draw between the two of us. I won two bets, lost two bets, drew one bet and he lost won two bets, lost two bets and drew one bet. Betting with Jason leads to big, big, big consequences!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I Wanted To
I wanted to tell you,
That I was sorry for everything,
That I was wrong,
That I had let you down,
But I would walk away instead,
If I were to tell you,
That I'm sorry tomorrow,
Would you still find it in your heart,
To forgive me?
I wanted to tell you,
That I love you ever so much,
That I cherished you,
That I treasured having you,
But I just laughed instead,
If I were to tell you,
That I love you tomorrow,
Would you still be there?
With open arms waiting for me?
If it was anything that could destroy me,
It would be the pride that I carried,
How would I ever know,
What would happen tomorrow?
What if today was the last day,
That we would ever spend together?
What if God suddenly decided,
That it was already time,
For you to return to His kingdom?
Sometimes when we are given things,
We would take them for granted,
Never giving in much thought,
We never thought about,
How precious every single item was,
How precious every single second was,
How they had changed our lives,
How they were all so delicate,
Timeless and priceless.
A Trinietie Production 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I'm a Catholic...
I was born a Catholic. My family were not exactly what you would call, dedicated Catholics. My parents would take my sister and I to St. Joseph Church every Saturday evening but gradually as years flew pass, they started to take us to church less and less often. On the account that they were busy or they were tired. Now, we rarely go to church. Probably twice per month appart from First Fridays of the month. But I took a short while of my time everynight to say a short prayer and sometimes, I would pray the rosary. Though I didn't go to church as often as most Catholics but I'm glad that I wasn't one of those who never had God in my life or those who had pushed God out of their lives. I have a friend whose father was a Buddhist and mother was a Catholic but he chose to be a Buddhist because he told me that Buddhists pray less so that's why he chose to be one. I had tried to keep my faith strong all throughout 15 years of my life with or without going to church every Saturday or Sunday. People would usually go, "you rarely go to church? What sort of Catholic are you?". Well, I am a Catholic with faith, trust and love in God and I am proud to be one. I don't care when people insult my religion and tell me that Catholics do alot of nonsense. I have fought the good fight, I have won the race and I have kept the faith. And it feels great to know that.
I suddenly saw it all so clearly...
I suddenly saw it all so clearly as we were praying during LSS. It was almost like someone slotted a photo into my head. Next, everything just clicked into place. I saw all the faces of the people I have hurted and I realized that I hadn't spoken to them for months or perhaps even years without a cause. I realized that I had hated them without a cause, which, was clearly impossible. I realized how I had a tendency of harshly rejecting people and later, not speaking to them. I realized that it wasn't the best solution, indeed it wasn't even a good solution. Not only that, I realized that I had always waited for appologies whenever I got into a fight. I had a friend whom, used to be rather good friends with me but after we fought several times, we grew appart and now, we don't even talk. I don't even say a simple hello when I see this friend. It was during the prayer when I realized, I ought to appologize no matter if this friend chooses to appologize to me or not. I not only saw images of those I have hurted but images of those I love and cherish in my life. I realized how I never grabbed the opportunity to tell them how much I love them. I realized how I was one of those who tried to hide everything I felt because I was afraid of rejection and patrionization. It all just happened during LSS, it was like God slotted a slide show of how I showed people that I loved them into my head. I had never thought about this before. Now I realize, that if I never tell someone that I love them, I may not have another chance tomorrow for I wouldn't know if he or she would still be there tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
We were all informed yesterday that there was no assembly and then like a bombshell out of the blues, Felicity comes into our class and shoo the entire class down for assembly, reminding us to bring along an exercise book and a pen. Groans rose from the entire class. Assembly, why assembly?? We got into our lines and then later, Madam John, our headmistress, came up on stage. There was a rather audible chorus of booing and a very faint hint of mild clapping. I was like shocked. Normally, they would cheer and clap like a crowd of mad people at a Wilber Pan or Wang Lee Hom concert but this time, they booed! It was one eyebrow-rising thing to wonder about. Nobody ever booed Mr. Tan nor Mr. Su. Then, after we sang the national and state anthem, there came the moment of gold, when we had to sing the entire school rally in full! Which, we had all never done before, not even the Form5s. So, this is where the exercise book comes in handy. We sang off the back of the cover. Everyone made the song into a joke, purposely shouting, screaming, laughing and singing off-tune. The school authority made us sing it twice, so-call, practice. Ya, sure, whatever. The second time was also turned into a joke but with less laughter. Honestly, I pity the pianist this morning, Beatrix, she had to play the extraordinarily long school rally twice. I can't even recall much of what Madam John spoke of during assembly this morning. I remember hearing the word vulgar and bullying. In short, assembly was a total screw-up.
Killing weekends...
Unbelievable! I'm killing my own weekend or rather the organizers of this Life in Spirit Seminar are killing my weekends for this week! It's going to take my time from 7.30am to 5.30pm on Saturday and 8.30am to 4.50pm on Sunday. Absurd. The teacher threatened us that, if we don't go for this thing, we couldn't get comfirmed on the 15th of September. Bullshit. Comfirmation is all about acceptance and learning. Tell me how are you going to learn anything just by attending some seminar with a rough estimation of 200 participants? If I'm ready to accept and be comfirmed and I understand what I will face and so forth, cut the seminars! You very well know that in seminars, students only talk and talk, only a small percentage would be hanging onto every single word. This seminars are all man-made thing. Back in Jesus' time, do they have seminars to get comfirmed? A very confident NO I would give you! They would listen to his preaching and teachings at a regular basis or daily or whatever, which, is exactly what they should be giving us not some rash seminar that they throw everything into it. Do it during Bible lessons in school weekly and not some 12 hour-long seminar for two days in a row! Yes, yes, I understand, I probably shouldn't be criticizing all these stuff but what the heck, 12 hour-long seminars! It's not like you can feed a whole gunnysack of rice to a person in one day!
30th August 2006...
Puan Kong picked me to recite a poem on the 30th of August during assembly in colaboration of Independance Day. Azureen would be giving a speech on that day. Kristen would be reciting a poem on the 17th of August and Jervynna would be giving a speech on that day. I searched high and low this whole afternoon to look for a poem and finally, I found one, which, I modied a little to suite our Malaysia Independance Day.
The Road to Freedom
In the year of 1957,
That paper was decreed,
They were tired of oppression,
And wanted to be freed.
They wrote a Declaration,
So the whole world would see,
This was, "the home of the brave,
And the land of the free".
They signed that piece of parchment,
The leaders of this land,
Knowing, divided they would fall,
But, together they could stand.
A new world lay before them,
Untamed from shore to shore,
They swore the would protect it,
If it meant going to war.
Battles have been fought,
And many lives have been lost,
So sad something so basic,
Has such a high, high cost.
Seems freedom is a luxury,
There's some would bind us all,
Like then, together, we can stand,
But divided, we will fall.
More than two hundred years,
Have past by since that day,
That each of us celebrate,
In our own different way.
We should be proud and thankful,
Pay our share of the cost,
Not take freedom for granted,
For it easily could be lost.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Theory ain't going to get any easier!
Went for theory class today. Was sooooo sleepy. When I arrived there, this regular comer, Ivan, was already sitting there and doing his Grade 8 theory work. Then, later Marie and Marianne showed up. Normally, they would show up at 4.15pm but today, they decided to come at 4.15 instead. Then later, Joanne showed up. Then somehow, we all ended up talking to each other and making alot of noise. Probably enough to bring down the whole IMH. Joanne and Ivan were like, "we can corrupt you by 4pm..." and "we'll bring more corruption next week..." Honestly, after school exams, it's like my brain emptied out everything about music! Mrs. Sim asked me how to do a V-vi chord progression and my head was like *blink, blink, blank*. Ivan was on the other side, mumbling whatever it was. Mrs. Sim was like asking so many things and my head was just *error! Processing failed!* Oh my gosh and theory exam is like on the 21st of August 2006! Three more weeks left! I hope I retained whatever I regained today. Okay...here's the list of things I MUST remember for doing question 2...
1. Ic-V : double fifth of chord I, two notes remaining the same on chord I and V and going to the nearest.
2. vi-V: double third of chord vi (interrupted cadence)
3. iib-ib (any b-b chords): 6th appart (soprano) and 3rd (alto) appart from base note.
4. vii: double third.
5. vi: double third.
6. I, IV, V: double root.
Like Joanne and Ivan were saying, pass Grade 6, there's still Grade 7 and Grade 8 and it isn't going to get any easier. Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were like nothing compared to Grade 6. That, I absolutely got to agree. Grade 5 and Grade 6 have this big leap in between them. Grade 6 has all these melody writing, harmonizing, chords and lalalala, so on and on. There's German, Italian, French and Latin terms! All the instruments of the orchestra and performance directions...triple wow. If you show a music piece especially some complicated sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven to a non-music student, he or she is going to go, "wah! What's all that taugeh?!" Like Christine, who doesn't learn music, overheard us discussing about a music term, poco a poco calando (meaning: a little by a little dying away) and started to use it for explaining her weight loss. She went, "my fats are a poco a poco calando!". I wonder what is it like to look at a page of music notes from the view of a person who does not study music...
Monday, August 7, 2006
Erasers and kolo mee
I know, I know, people throw erasers during exam time to shoot for answers but Rhe and I threw erasers for a whole totally different purpose. Remember one of my posts on a prank Rhe and I pulled on 'Eileen'? The one to do with Jason and his 'break-up'. Because Rhe and I couldn't make up our minds to tell her if it was a prank or not, we decided to write Y for yes on one side and N for no on the other side and threw it. So first we were like, "should we tell 'Eileen'?" and the eraser showed NO. Next, we were like, "should we not tell 'Eileen'?" and the eraser showed YES. So that was how the 'legend' of my seer eraser started. So, today, Rhe and I got bored, so we were just fooling around and asked Christine to throw the eraser and then with sheer luck, everything was answered Yes or No correctly. Then, slowly, after break, my eraser became a hit among Ashley, Chai, Christine, Isabella and Valerie. They started asking stuff and throwing the eraser around. They were asking one question, "are you accurate?" and it kept showing YES. Well, of course, we take it as a joke or rather as some sort of pointless amusement.
Kolo mee bet...
Ah...another bet on a wonderful Monday morning! Rhe and I were like so sleepy during Science time, it was like so hard to keep our eyelids open. Took up positively all of my energy just to listen to what Puan Belinda was saying. Then later, we got 'recharged' when I told Rhe about my conversation with Jas when I got all mixed up with football and basketball and told Jas that there were goalies in basketball and how I recalled Rhe telling me about scoring more points if the basketball hits the board before going through the hoop (I swore I did remember her telling that although I don't remember such a rule in basketball!) So we were laughing and laughing and that sort of recharged our batteries. Then, something popped up in my head and I turned to Rhe and said to her...
Gab: Let's have a bet!
Rhe: What bet?
Gab: Let's bet that 'Stefan' ends up with 'Karen'. I'll convince 'Stefan' and you'll convince 'Karen'. And we will see who can convice the other one faster. Dateline 31st December 2006. How about that, Rhe?
Rhe: How to convice them ah? How to tell who win?
Gab: Or how about like this? You and I pair up and we convice 'Stefan' and 'Karen' to go together by 29th December.
Rhe: *errupts into laughter* Can, can! Then who bet against us?
Gab: I know! Let's ask Christine and Jason to pair up and try to convice 'Stefan' and 'Karen' not to go together. Christine sure will do it. If we lose we 'chia' them kolo mee at Expert and if they lose, they 'chia' us kolo mee. Kolo mee special lar.
Rhe: Ok, deal.
Gab: Wah, you seriously want to eat kolo mee with them?
Rhe: Pick Expert la! Can always runaway. Our house so near.
Gab: Ya, pretend we go JD Bakery and then runaway and never go back there. Let them both enjoy their privacy.
Rhe: Better not go Jalan Song for kolo mee. Later they both can runaway. House so near...
Gab: Better not runaway also lar, later both beh-song.
Rhe: Yala, yala, of course. Not running away.
Gab: We'll just sit there like two polite people.
Then, later at Arts period, Rhe and I confronted Christine and told her about the bet. That girl agreed straight on the spot. She was positively thrilled at the idea of kolo mee and perhaps *cough* something else and before we even told her that she had to get 'Stefan' and 'Karen' not to go together, she already shouted out that she was going to bet that 'Stefan' wouldn't go with 'Karen' by 29th December or any other date. Rhe and I are positively sure that 'Stefan' would go with 'Karen' after all, they already like each other. Not to forget, my *cough* 'fortune-telling' eraser said that we would win the bet. I shall go inform Jas about this once he pops online... 'Stefan' is going to end up with 'Karen', I just know it! Well, duh, I wouldn't make bets I know I'm going to lose! You know, people make post-PMR programs and this is part of our post-PMR program, it's a mission to accomplish before December 29th 2006! Owh, the reason why the dateline is December 29th is because we would 'chia' the person on the next day. And on December 31st and 1st January, the coffee shops wouldn't be open due to New Year's Eve and New Year. And since January is the start of 2007 schooling, we would probably be all rather busy with whatever preparations.
Sunday, August 6, 2006
"General Knowledge" according to Sam
The Mechanical Contrivium: Gabrielle
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Gabrielle!
1. Gabrielle can sleep for three and a half years. (I can sleep alot!)
2. In a pinch, the skin from a shark can be used as Gabrielle! (wow...fascinating...)
3. Gabrielle is actually a mammal, not a fish! (well...duh!)
4. Gabrielle will give a higher yield if milked when listening to music! (Gabrielle studies better listening to music in real life...)
5. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Gabrielle! (that explains how I get the latest news so fast!)
6. Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing Gabrielle. (gasp! I don't watch porn!)
7. The state nickname of Iowa is 'The Gabrielle state'! (I always wanted a country to be named after me, guess a state close enough...)
8. All of the roles in Shakespeare's plays - including the female roles - were originally played by Gabrielle! (I'm half a celebrity!)
9. Gabrielle is the oldest playable musical instrument in the world. (this explains my passion for music...)
10. A sixteenth century mathematician lost his nose in a duel over his love for Gabrielle, and wore a silver replacement for the rest of his life. (just the nose? So unromantic lar...silver only? Why not a diamond-cut nose?)
The Mechanical Contrivium: Rhema
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Rhema!
1.Only twelve people have ever set foot on Rhema. (hmm...?)
2.Rhema kept at the window will keep vampires at bay! (I thought Rhema kept at the window would be more likely to attract vampires...)
3. The Rhema-fighting market in the Philippines is huge - several thousand Rhema-fights take place there every day. (violence is not the best option!)
4. There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting Rhema! (explains how Rhema gets news so fast...)
5. Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by Rhema. (it's better to ask my fortune-telling eraser...)
6. During the reign of Peter the Great, any Russian nobleman who chose to wear Rhema had to pay a special Rhema tax. (money...money...money...)
7. In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from Rhema. (what the heck...)
8. Ideally, Rhema should be stored on her side at a temperature of 55 degrees. (what's she? dead?)
9. Rhema will often rub up against people to lay her scent and mark her territory! (erm...are Rhemas some sort of cat?)
10. It's bad luck to whistle near Rhema. (never tried whistling near a Rhema...)
The Mechanical Contrivium: Jason
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jason!
1. South Australia was the first place to allow Jason to stand for parliament! (if Jas stood for parliament...political chaos!)
2. Baby swans are called Jason. (aww...)
3. Devoid of his cells and proteins, Jason has the same chemical makeup as sea water! (explains my 'allergy' to seawater since I allergic to idiots like Jas...)
4. More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in Jason. (no surprise I call him a dog now!)
5. Michelangelo finished his great statue of Jason in 1504, after eighteen months work! (commentless...)
6. If you put a drop of liquor on Jason, he will go mad and sting himself to death. (a drop of liquor a day keeps the Jason away...)
7. Jason has three eyelids! (never counted!)
8. The Vikings believed that the Northern lights were caused by Jason as he rode out to collect warriors slain in battle! (rubbish collector mah...)
9. Some birds use Jason to orientate themselves during migration. (I'll seek a Jason if I ever need orientation when I migrate...)
10. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are Jason! (desperate people...)
The Mechanical Contrivium: Christine
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Christine!
1. Christine is actually a fruit, not a vegetable!
2. There is actually no danger in swimming right after you eat Christine, though it may feel uncomfortable!
3. There are more than two hundred different kinds of Christine!
4. It takes forty minutes to hard-boil Christine.
5. Christine is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
6. The water in oceans is four times less salty than the water in Christine.
7. Banging your head against Christine uses 150 calories an hour.
8. A thimbleful of Christine would weigh over 100 million tons.
9. Cats use their Christine to test whether a space is large enough for them to fit through!
10. In Japan it is considered rude to talk with Christine in your mouth.
A picture changed my life...
Cute? Adorable? So not something I would use to describe Jas the dog. I saw a picture that positively changed my whole life. It was one picture that turned my life around with laughter. It was a once in a life time opportunity to view a picture like that! All thanks to kind Jas' cousin, Wei Ying. This was how the conversation went...
Wei Ying: I got to go now. Eh, newez, I show you something. Tell me cute or not.
Gab : (stares at Wei Ying's display picture which, was a white dog) No ah, so UGLY!!! Joking...joking...very cute.
Then, her display picture changed into a picture of Jas taking a shower in the middle of the garden under the hot sun and under the garden tap. Well, with track pants on lah. I started to laugh and laugh nonstop when I saw it. "Very cute, Wei Ying. Very cute." I told her. Then, Wei Ying sent me the picture and now it's stashed somewhere in my computer. It was positively one hilarious photo. It was so Jas to do something like that. No wonder I called him a dog and he acts pretty much like one! Wait till Jas pops online, I shall go blackmail him on writing me testimonials or I shall post it on Friendster! Well, but sadly, I'm not that mean to go to that. When my cousin, Theo saw that picture, she started to laugh her head off as well. She was like, "what the heck is Jason doing!"

Samantha and I ended up not going for the IMH concert at Sarawak Tourism Centre because of some particular reason. Sam was thinking of a couple of crappy excuses during theory class today for people to tell their piano teachers for not going to the concert. One of them was, "sorry teacher, I got stuck on the road on my way to the concert because of Kuching Fest." Ya, sure Sam. You think any teacher is 'smart' enough to buy that? Stuck on the road due to Kuching Fest for 3 hours? Great idea Sam...great idea...
Dear old Chen Kai...
Wonder how is Chen doing for UPSR now. Wonder if she prepared enough or so. Saw Chen on the road on Friday morning. My aunt, Aunty Roselyn was driving and she honked when she saw us drive past. At first, my mum was like "who is that crazy person honking like that!" Then, I turned around and saw my 12-year-old crappy cousin, Chen in the backseat, waving like mad at me. I only recalled that Chen has UPSR this year when Theo asked me how was Chen Kai doing for UPSR. Actually Chen or Chen Kai's real name is Stella but since she's like all skin and bones, Theo, Ben, Zach, Edrea and I started calling her Chen Kai and I shortened it to Chen. In chinese, Chen Kai means some sort of skinny chicken.
The Devil 100% Doesn't Carry PRADA!!!
School tomorrow means getting back some more of my marks. My BM, BI and Science. Bet they are all revealed tomorrow. So far, I got a 94 for Mathematics, 90 for History, 92 for Geography and 82 for KH. Speaking of KH! The bloody teacher set the paper like out of our syllabus. Since when did we learn on how many kilojoules an active child must take for KH Pilihan 1?? The teacher told us that she knew it was not in the syllabus but she just put it into the testpaper. Hey, come on! If it's not in, don't put it! It's not going to pop up for PMR if its not part of our syllabus. She's positively on my list of most-hated-teachers and she doesn't wear Prada! She carries this ugly pink and white vinyl bag. The day she carries a Prada bag, the sun shall rise from the west. They said you had to like the teacher to like the subject but honestly, how could anyone like a teacher like that? This term, 3/4 of the class got B's and C's and only a handful got A for KH. Picture that, 3A1, the best Form3 class of St. Teresa getting such results. How could anyone even picture 3a2 or 3a3's results or what more to say 3a7?! Like I said, the devil 100% doesn't carry Prada but perhaps, she might need a personal fashion advisor and a personal hairstylist. There's work to be done on that fashion sense of hers and that perm of hers.
Friday, August 4, 2006
Shopping and Hartz
Got woken up by it this morning at 9.00am. Argh! Interrupting my beauty sleep! I'm one of those light sleepers. Upstairs they are fixing the toilet because of some plumbing problem I think. Downstairs, there's banging away at the kitchen and dining room. I wonder how my sister sleeps through all of it. I wonder if it's better to be a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper... After that, I went to do a bit of shopping for a dinner I will be attending...(shoes from Vincci, dress from Soda and silver dangly necklace.)

Going for Hartz Chicken buffet with my classmates later. Puan Tan 'chia-ed' us. She gave all 44 students of 3A1 a free Hartz Chicken buffet coupon. Went to pick Rhe up at 6.15pm and we arrived at Sarawak Plaza at 6.30pm. The food wasn't exactly great but the atmostphere was pretty fun. I think our table made the most noise. There was these two strange men who were looking at the magazine I was reading and commenting. And they had a strange kid with them who stared awfully alot as well. I wonder if Rhe would get stomach upset from the concoction of drinks she made twice. Took lots of photos and here a group photo of us...

Thursday, August 3, 2006
Kiasu syndrome...
What's so shocking with me getting 94 for Maths? And what is so good about beating me in that? Even with a 95??! A difference of one freaking mark! I got so freaking pissed off this morning that it was so hard to concentrate on things! Because some people were like, "what did you get? You get 94? Are you sure? I get 95 wor!" So what!!! Honestly, what's with the deal of asking people what they get and then getting all cocky over it later just because you discovered that they beat you? I am just so, so, so annoyed! They expect the so-call smart students to always get 100s for everything. Ya, what are we? Albert Einsteins? And what's the deal with the, "you already studied?" or "how much did you study already??" Sometimes, it is like I give them an inch of what I have and they ask for a foot. It's like even sometimes, getting a very good mark doesn't satisfy them unless I get a 100.