Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Her Birthday

Celebrated my housemate’s birthday at Esquire Kitchen today.

The four of us…20659_1201136344171_1101439278_30546436_6321367_nTrying to be barbarians attacking the Haagen Daaz gateau but failing miserably…20659_1201136024163_1101439278_30546428_7009351_n Outside Coco Banana… not that we went clubbing…20659_1201135384147_1101439278_30546412_6242453_n Me proudly displaying me temporary tallness…20659_1201135304145_1101439278_30546410_3160677_n Camwhoring with Peter’s Macbook Air…20659_1201631916560_1101439278_30547897_85304_n Went home and slept, waking up at 5.00AM the next day to boil mung bean soup for breakfast. Yummy.

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