Monday, January 4, 2010

Back in KL …

02012010429Went to watch “Did You Hear About the Morgans” with P on Saturday.
02012010433Again… Starbucks. Noobling had his first try at coffee.02012010438I thought it was a breath mint… but it turned out to be a gigantic rice grain.

Ah… left to KL on Sunday. Arrived at 5.15PM but thank goodness there was no jam, so Douglas and I reached Casa Subang in just roughly an hours time. Grocery shopped after that. Cleaned up my room, vacuumed, pinned up the curtains and packed a huge suitcase full of items to bring back to Kuching during the Chinese New Year holidays. Also found out that I have new housemates, they moved into the vacant master bedroom. I still have my whole room to myself.

Auto woke up at 5.15AM today despite the fact that I slept at 2.15AM. Attended a short briefing on touring the new Ausmat intake tomorrow. Went over to Sunway Pyramid from 11PM until about 3PM. One of them has a car now.04012010462Big mirror.04012010466 Shiny beanie I saw that matches my shiny shirt.

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