Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reality Denial

I refuse, refuse, refuse, refuse, refuse, refuse to face reality tomorrow! I am going to sleep the day in and ignore the postman when he comes by to drop my examination results into my letter box. I REFUSE!

Har… har… har…

Like as if any of that is going to happen. I am a bundle of nerves at the moment. I know I screwed up Physics and Chemistry.

*reads Chemistry paper instructions*… aha, 3 significant figures. Okay. *scribbles down answer in 3 decimal places*

Not just one answer but THE WHOLE PAPER.

Time to face reality, Gab.


Did I even mention about my Physics?? Warghhh. How could I have missed that HUGE resistor??? There goes I don’t know, 30marks?? I bet my housemate enjoyed her evening nap that day when I was busy yelling at the wall.

Oh man. I hate suspense!

I hate not receiving the letter yet unlike my West Malaysian friends but at the same time, I hate the fact that I am going to receive the letter. This is like so… what the heck.

Okay… mission prepare myself for the harshest possible marks.

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