Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lifetime of Studying

Note: =( At Singapore. Unfair!

I can't believe that nearly three weeks of my semester break has passed. It certainly was not three very productive weeks. I am yet to sit down and touch my notes. Goodness. To think of it, WACE exam is just eleven months away. It is like SPM all over again.

I have spent the past eighteen years of my life studying, now I am going to be spending another year doing AUSMAT, plausibly seven years doing medicine in New Zealand and goodness knows how many more years studying to be a specialist. That grand totals up to at least fifteen years of studying.

Books, books, books and more books.
I shall now convince myself that I am doing all these for a better, brighter future so that I can earn money to feed myself and shop for expensive leather handbags without leeching off my dad's bank account. I shall also convince myself that this is studying for a good cause. Damn. I should be a shrink.

I cannot wait to be 60 years old and retired.

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