Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Fear Speeches

There was another talk today by Mr. Daryl Wong, some professional from Taylor's. It was not as bad as all the other talks, he was quite a... strange concoction. Either way, I got really restless and visited the toilet twice. Strangely, those visits to the toilet felt like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the talk.

Sports Day is tomorrow. I am one of the flag bearers and that means I will the standing under the scorching sun for almost an hour or more listening to speeches by those big shots. Seriously, people who give speeches should minimize blabbering to a maximum of seven minutes. It's just horribly torturous to listen to speeches that go past ten minutes.

It is like...

A very good morning to all of you who are present here today. I feel so honoured to be up on this stage, giving this speech and looking at all of your smiling faces Today is such a beautiful day, the sun shines ever so merrily and the birds chirp happily in their nests---crowd stares glumly------blah blah and blah for forty excruciating minutes--- Thank you! *Crowd roars in appreciation that the speech is finally over*


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